How To: Import Internet Favorites into Windows 10's Microsoft Edge from Other BrowsersHow To: Import Internet Favorites into Windows 10's Microsoft Edge from Other Browsers
Microsoft's new web browser in Windows 10, Edge, offers the ability to import your favorite website bookmarks from other browsers.
July 1, 2015

Microsoft Edge is a fantastic new web browser that comes with a Windows 10 installation (new or upgrade). It’s a speedy browser and completely compatible with most web sites. Over time many Windows users have been lured away to other browsers like Chrome and Firefox for no fault of their own. Microsoft allowed the Internet Explorer experience to become degraded in performance and value, so you can't blame anyone for trying out a new web browser.
With Edge, Microsoft is intending to that turnaround. The brand new Internet browser is sleek, stylish, and built to take on the modern web. Additionally, Edge will be updated frequently with improvements and new features. So, there's a good chance you'll want to use Edge eventually, or at least try it out.
One of the best ways to try out any web browser is to visit your favorite web sites to watch how quickly they load and how well they look. In Edge, Microsoft makes it pretty simple to import the web favorites you have collected over time. The process is quick and supports browsers that are properly installed on the device.
To get there:
With Microsoft Edge open, tap or click the ellipsis at the top right to display the dropdown menu, then navigate down to Settings.
Next, tap or click the Import favorites from another browser option.
Additional web browser installed on the device will show up in the Import favorites list. Select the browsers from which you want to import from and tap or click the Import button
The import takes only a few seconds. Once the import is completed your favorite web sites will show up under…
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