Additional Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (Version 1709) Resources from MicrosoftAdditional Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (Version 1709) Resources from Microsoft
There is always a flourish of activity following the release of a major feature update for Windows 10 as Microsoft publishes resources for IT Pros and Systems Admins. Here is the latest additions to the Windows 10 Version 1709 collection.

Yesterday we shared information and links to the new collection of Group Policy Administrative Templates and the final version of the Security Baseline for the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update aka Windows 10 Version 1709.
Since then Microsoft has continued to make multiple resources available for IT Pros and System Admins to assist in the migration to this latest feature update for Windows 10 or planning that move for later down the road.
Here is a rundown of those resources that are now available:
I will continue to add items to this list as they are made available from Microsoft.
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