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Validate User-entered Data

Protect Your Database from Invalid Data by Using the Built-in ASP.NET Validation Controls





Validate User-entered Data

Protect Your Database from Invalid Data by Using the Built-in ASP.NET Validation Controls


By Steve C. Orr


If you haven t familiarized yourself with the validation controls in ASP.NET, it s time to learn. The functionality is far too powerful to ignore. If you let people enter three-digit ZIP codes, two-digit phone numbers, and other such nonsense, then over time your database will become cluttered with garbage beyond all hope of repair. It s sad to see a perfectly good application go down in such a needlessly gruesome way. It doesn t have to be like that. These controls are a snap to use and will take care of nearly all your data validation needs with little effort on your part.


Make Important Fields Mandatory

One of the most basic validation situations you ll run across is to ensure the user has filled in all required values. A billing address without a city or ZIP code simply isn t useful. The RequiredFieldValidator Web control is what you need for a situation such as this. It, like the rest of the validation controls mentioned in this article, comes standard with Visual Studio.NET, and can be found in the Web Forms section of your toolbox.


A typical RequiredFieldValidator control is defined in an ASPX file with a definition similar to this:


 runat="server" ErrorMessage="This field is required!"



To see such a control in action, simply start a new Web application in Visual Studio.NET and drag a textbox, a RequiredFieldValidator control, and a button onto your Web Form. Set the ControlToValidate property of the RequiredFieldValidator control to the name of the textbox (TextBox1 by default). Now run the project and click on the button without typing anything in the textbox. You ll notice that the RequiredFieldValidator control springs into action and prevents the postback from occurring and displays a red error message. The default message is not friendly, so you should stop the application and improve the message by changing the ErrorMessage property of the RequiredFieldValidator control to more appropriate text.


Preventing the postback from occurring when there s invalid data is an efficient use of client-side script. This client-side script is generated automatically, so you might never even notice it s there. However, not all browsers support client-side script, and some users may have it disabled as a security precaution. Therefore, server-side validation is also done (automatically) as a failsafe.


Now things work pretty nicely. The user gets a friendly notification when they fail to enter an important value that is required by your application. The only details left are really a matter of polish, and such details can be the difference between an application that merely works, and one that impresses people.


Before the user has clicked the button, there is no indication that the field is required. Sure, they ll be notified after they hit the button, but this can waste precious seconds of the user s time. A standard solution is to display an asterisk (*) next to the field, or some other label to visually identify the field as required. To do this, you only need to set the Text property of the RequiredFieldValidator control.


Another notable property of the RequiredFieldValidator control is InitialValue. This allows you to place some text into the control to be validated, and have it be recognized by the validator control as a non-user-entered value. This tends to be useful in situations where screen real estate is cramped and precious, and you d rather not put an identifying label next to the control. Figure 1 illustrates this situation. This technique also works great with DropDownLists, so that you can select a default Choose from below item and still ensure the user selects an item from the list.


Figure 1: The InitialValue property of the RequiredFieldValidator control lets you define an initial message in the control without setting off the validation error message.


Tip: Imagine for a moment that you have another unrelated button on the Web form, perhaps a Help button. You probably don t want this button click event to be prevented by invalid data. Therefore, you should set the CausesValidation property of the Help button to false. Now the user can get help at any time, whether they ve entered valid data yet or not.


Field Comparison

Sometimes you need to compare two fields to each other to ensure validity. Sometimes the values need to match. Sometimes you need to make sure they re different from each other. Sometimes you need to make sure one value is greater than the other, and so on. The CompareValidator is an ideal tool for handling these kinds of validation.


One common example is a new user registration page. The user needs to type in their new password, and then they need to type it again to confirm they know their password and typed it correctly. In this case, both password fields must match or else the data is considered to be in an invalid state. Such a page is illustrated in Figure 2.


Figure 2: This Web form shows all six validation controls in action: RequiredFieldValidator, CompareValidator, RangeValidator, RegularExpressionValidator, CustomValidator, and ValidationSummary.


This control (like all the validation controls) has a ControlToValidate property that specifies the primary validation field on the Web form. The CompareValidator control also has a ControlToCompare property that specifies a second control to which the ControlToValidate field can be compared. If you wish to compare the control to a value that is not present in another control on the form, you should use the ValueToCompare property instead of the ControlToCompare property:



 ControlToCompare="txtPassword2" Operator="Equal"

 ErrorMessage="Passwords don't match">


Another unique property of this control is the Operator property. It specifies what kind of comparison will be done between the two controls. A value of Equal specifies that the values of the two controls must be identical. The other possible values are: NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual, LessThan, LessThanEqual, and DataTypeCheck. They are all fairly self-explanatory, except perhaps DataTypeCheck. When this is selected, it is used in conjunction with the Type property, which can contain values of String, Integer, Double, Date, or Currency. If the value in the ControlToValidate field cannot be converted to the chosen data type, then it is considered invalid and the value of the ErrorMessage property will be displayed to the user.


Accept Data within a Specified Range

It is often necessary to ensure a user-entered value is within a reasonable range. For example, if somebody claims to be 574 years old, then you can be fairly certain they ve made a mistake. The RangeValidator control comes into play for just this type of situation. It has a MinimumValue property and a MaximumValue property to specify the lower and upper bounds of acceptable values:


 ControlToValidate="TextBox1" ErrorMessage="Invalid Age" 

 MinimumValue="18" MaximumValue="120" Type="Integer">


The RangeValidator control has a Type property that can contain values of String, Integer, Double, Date, or Currency. This property is important because it specifies how the data will be interpreted. The value that the user entered, along with the MinimumValue and MaximumValue properties, are all converted to this data type before they are compared. (If they cannot be converted to the specified data type, the data is considered invalid and the ErrorMessage text will be displayed.)


If you set the MaximumValue field to 120 and the MinimumValue field to 18 and ignore the Type property, the control will throw a compile-time error specifying that the MaximumValue property must be greater than the MinimumValue property. But 120 is greater than 18! you ll say. Ahh, when they are compared as numbers this is true, but you forgot to set the Type property to Integer and left it at the default of String. The string 18 is indeed greater than the string 120 , thus causing the potentially confusing error.


Validate with Regular Expressions

When your data needs to get a bit more complex, you need to break out some new tricks. Although there is no masked edit control built into ASP.NET 1.x, the RegularExpressionValidator is the next best thing. Regular Expressions are a way to describe a string pattern, such as an e-mail address. There are many ways to incorrectly type an e-mail address, so regular expressions are the most efficient way to make sure all your bases are covered. The RegularExpressionValidator control has a ValidationExpression property that holds the regular expression that will be compared against the value the user enters into the ControlToValidate control. In the Visual Studio.NET property window for the RegularExpressionValidator control you ll find an ellipsis (...) button in the ValidationExpression property. Click the button to choose from a list of the most common regular expressions, which contains values for phone numbers, e-mail addresses, Social Security numbers, ZIP codes, and more. If you don t find the expression you need, I suggest you look for the one you need at


You can of course design your own custom regular expressions to match any string pattern you can imagine, although it might be quite a learning experience if you re not already familiar with regular expressions:


 id="RegularExpressionValidator1" runat="server"



 ErrorMessage="Invalid Zip Code!">


It s a deep topic. There are entire books written on the subject.


Create Custom Validators

I suspect you agree by now that the validation controls are quite easy to use. Have you noticed all the power that has been described so far without a single line of code needing to be written? Well, automatic features like these are nice, but there will always be times when you need to take control of the helm and write some custom code. Although the previously explained controls should be able to handle 95% of your validation needs, the CustomValidator control takes care of the rest:


 ErrorMessage="Invalid Password"


The only unique property of this control is named ClientValidationFunction. As you might suspect, this property is meant to hold the name of a custom client-side function that will handle client-side validation. This property is optional, and client-side validation can be turned off for any of the validation controls by setting the EnableClientScript property to false. The function shown in Figure 3 is an example of a client-side function that validates the number a person entered is an even number.


Figure 3: Using the CustomValidator control to call your own client-side validation functions such as this is more efficient than relying on server-side validation alone.


You should always implement server-side validation (just like the other validation controls do automatically) to be sure validation happens, even if client-side script is not enabled. For this reason, the CustomValidator control has a server-side event named ServerValidate. Figure 4 contains a server-side validation routine that matches the client-side validation routine shown in Figure 3.



Private Sub CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(ByVal source _

As System.Object, ByVal args _

As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs) _

Handles CustomValidator1.ServerValidate

   If args.Value / 2 = CInt(args.Value / 2) Then

       args.IsValid = True


       args.IsValid = False

   End If

End Sub

Figure 4: Don t forget to implement a server-side validation function for the CustomValidator control, because client-side validation alone is not very dependable.


Summarizing Validation Errors

The ValidationSummary control is unlike the other validation controls because it doesn t actually do any validation. Rather, it s more of a list that can sum up all the validation errors on the page and display them in one place. Alternatively, you can have it pop up a message box detailing the various errors. The corresponding Boolean properties of the control are named ShowSummary and ShowMessageBox:

 runat="server" Width="184px" HeaderText="Error Summary:"

 BorderStyle="Dotted" ShowMessageBox="True">


If you ve got a complex data entry form that has room for many errors, the ValidationSummary control can be a valuable way to communicate with the user about what exactly they ve done wrong as compared with your expectations. You can see it in action at the right side of Figure 2. The output is a bit ugly by default, but you can adjust many visual properties to make it more attractive.


Visions of the Future

The worst limitation about the validation controls in ASP.NET 1.x is that you can only validate one group of controls on a page. For example, maybe you ve got a standard newsletter sign-up textbox in the left margin of every page and you want to validate the e-mail address they enter (perhaps using the RegularExpressionValidator control). Then, in the middle of one of your pages, you ve got some input fields (shipping address fields, for example) that are required (using the RequiredFieldValidator control). The user enters their e-mail address to sign up for your newsletter and clicks the submit button next to it, and they are wrongly halted because they didn t fill in the completely unrelated shipping address fields.


In ASP.NET 1.x there just isn t a graceful solution for a conundrum such as this. Luckily, they ve fixed this annoying problem in ASP.NET 2.0 by implementing Validation Groups. Figure 5 illustrates the solution s syntax. It defines two standard textboxes, a validator for each, and a button for each. Because the first validator is defined as belonging to Group1, and the first button is also assigned Group1, only the first validator is executed when Group1 s button is clicked. Likewise, only Group2 s validator(s) will be fired when Group 2 s button is clicked.


id="RegularExpressionValidator1" runat="server"

ErrorMessage="Invalid Email Address"

ControlToValidate="txtEmail" ValidationExpression=


 ErrorText="Need to Fill in Value! "





Figure 5: Validation Groups in ASP.NET 2.0 will solve the frustrating dilemma of having unrelated sets of controls interfere with each other s validation.



If needed, you can mix and match controls to (for example) mark a field as required AND verify it s within a specified range. For this scenario, simply use two validation controls (the RequiredFieldValidator and the RangeValidator) and give them both the same ControlToValidate.


The Display property that most of the validation controls share uses a bit of DHTML to determine the details about how exactly a validation message is shown and hidden at run time. If you set this property to the Static enumeration, space will be reserved on the page to display the error message. Conversely, when the property is set to Dynamic, page content will be moved around as needed to make room for the validation error message when it needs to be displayed. It can be slightly jarring for some users to have page content moving around on them as they are typing, so I suggest using a Static Display in most cases.


The ASP.NET validation controls are powerful, flexible, and easy to use. With little or no code you can bulletproof your data entry forms to ensure data integrity throughout. Small efforts like these can make the difference between a database application that lives for decades, and one that gradually decays beyond repair.


The sample code in this article is available for download.


Steve C. Orr is an MCSD and a Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET. He s been developing software solutions for leading companies in the Seattle area for more than a decade. When he s not busy designing software systems or writing about them, he can often be found loitering at local user groups and habitually lurking in the ASP.NET newsgroup. Find out more about him at or e-mail him at mailto:[email protected].




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