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Export to Office

Export Web Content to Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and even WordPerfect

Control Freak




Export to Office

Export Web Content to Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and even WordPerfect


By Steve C. Orr


There s just no doubt about it people love their Web browsers. However, that doesn t mean they don t appreciate their other applications, too. Like it or not, Microsoft Office is pretty much the standard for most business tasks.


Sturdy and capable, Office applications can manipulate data in ways that Web browsers cannot. Happily, your users can have the best of both worlds; viewing data in their browser and editing it in other great applications. The custom Web control detailed in this article will make it easy for you to satisfy your users in such ways.


The ExportPanel Control

There are a variety of ways to export Web content to such applications. (For more details see Export to Excel.) HTML has been around for years now, and most modern applications speak it quite fluently. This fact is central to the design strategy of the ExportPanel Web control, which essentially sends simplified HTML directly to the appropriate application.


By default, the control behaves exactly like a standard Panel Web control, because it inherits from the Panel Web control and therefore gets all that functionality for free. However, the ExportPanel control has a few extra properties that encapsulate the exporting functionality.


The first property you re likely to notice is the ExportType property. This enumeration allows the developer to pick which application will be used for the export. The default is HTML, which will cause the ExportPanel to act exactly like a standard Panel control. The more interesting choices are Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and WordPerfect. Choosing one of these applications will cause the content of the ExportPanel to be opened with that application.


Figure 1 shows the ExportPanel being used to contain an HTML Table control that has three rows and three columns. There are a variety of fonts and colors, with a textbox in the top-right cell. Underneath the HTML Table control is a Label control, also within the dotted borders of the ExportPanel. Below the ExportPanel are other controls that will not be exported to other formats. These controls allow the user to select the export format, and whether the application should open within the browser or externally.


Figure 1: Everything placed within the ExportPanel control (pictured here with a dotted border) will be exported to the application that the user selects in the listbox.


Of course, different applications provide varying levels of support for HTML. All the modern versions of applications supported by this control will render HTML. (Assuming your users have at least Office 2000, you shouldn t have many problems with the output.) However, they all put their own personal touches on the display of the HTML.


Figure 2 shows the nearly perfect results when exported to Excel, and Figure 3 shows the output when PowerPoint is chosen. The WordPerfect export in Figure 4 is displayed beautifully, with only the textbox having issues. The theme here is: don t use textboxes (and other input controls like Buttons and DropDownLists), or you re asking for formatting problems. Therefore, you ll have better success by exporting read-only data reports with controls like DataGrids, Labels, Tables, and other basic HTML. It really doesn t make sense to have input controls in your exports anyway, because these applications don t support postbacks. Image controls work nicely, although they ll work most consistently if you set the ImageURL property to an absolute URL rather than a relative one.


Figure 2: Excel exports work well, with only the textbox having slight crowding problems.


Figure 3: This PowerPoint slideshow of the export results show that textboxes are not supported, but hyperlinks work flawlessly.


Figure 4: WordPerfect output is, well, perfect! (Although you should avoid textboxes and other input controls to prevent related display issues.)


How It Works

Figure 5 shows the basic template used for the construction of the ExportPanel custom Web control. If you ve been following this column, this code should look quite familiar. After importing some common namespaces and establishing some basic toolbox support, the class is declared to inherit from the Panel control.


Imports System.ComponentModel

Imports System.Web.UI

" _

+ "")> _

Public Class ExportPanel

 Inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel

 'TODO: Properties

 'TODO: Methods

End Class

Figure 5: Every custom Web control starts with a template very similar to this.


Figure 6 lists the definitions for the public properties of the ExportPanel control, and a public enum named AppType. The ExportType property encapsulates a private variable named m_ExportType, which is of type AppType. The attributes specify that the ExportType property will be bindable, and will be displayed in the Behavior section of the property window when being used at design time.


'Contains the list of supported export applications

Public Enum AppType






End Enum

'Manage the requested export type

Private m_ExportType As AppType


Public Property ExportType() As AppType


     Return m_ExportType

 End Get

 Set(ByVal Value As AppType)

     m_ExportType = Value

 End Set

End Property

'Filename property

Dim m_FileName As String = "File1"

 DefaultValue("File1")> _

Public Property FileName() As String


     Return m_FileName

 End Get

 Set(ByVal Value As String)

     m_FileName = Value

 End Set

End Property

'Open the application externally or host in the browser?

Private m_OpenInBrowser As Boolean = True


Public Property OpenInBrowser() As Boolean


     If ExportType = AppType.WordPerfect Then

         'WordPerfect can't be hosted inside IE

         Return False


         If ExportType = AppType.HTML Then

             'HTML will always be displayed

             'on the current page.

             Return True


             Return m_OpenInBrowser

         End If

     End If

 End Get

 Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)

     m_OpenInBrowser = Value

 End Set

End Property

Figure 6: The AppType enum is used by the ExportType property to list and control the applications supported for export. FileName is a fairly standard string property, and OpenInBrowser is a Boolean property that handles a couple of special cases.


FileName is a fairly standard string whose job is to hold the file name that will be given to the application handling the export. The final property (named OpenInBrowser) controls whether the application will be hosted inside the browser or not. Because WordPerfect can t be hosted inside Internet Explorer, the property will always return False when this ExportType is chosen. Additionally, the HTML ExportType signifies that the control will be displayed as a standard panel in the current page, so it returns True in this case.


Finally, the Panel control s Render method is overridden, as shown in Figure 7. This is where all the real work is done. As mentioned previously, if the HTML ExportType is selected, the control should act as a standard Panel control. The easiest way to accomplish this is to have the underlying Panel control do its usual rendering, so MyBase.Render is called to do all the work. Otherwise, some fancy rendering will be necessary.


Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal output As _


 If ExportType = AppType.HTML Then



  'Get rid of all the junk that's been

  'rendered to the page so far


  'Start a very simple html document


  'Determine whether to open the document inside

  'the browser or to an launch external app

  Dim OpenType As String = "inline"

  If OpenInBrowser = False Then OpenType = "attachment"

  'Determine the content type and file extension

  Dim FileExtension As String

  With Page.Response

    Select Case ExportType

      Case AppType.Excel

        .ContentType = "application/ms-excel"

        FileExtension = ".xls"

      Case AppType.Word

        .ContentType = "application/ms-word"

        FileExtension = ".doc"

      Case AppType.Powerpoint

        .ContentType = "application/ms-powerpoint"

        FileExtension = ".ppt"

      Case AppType.WordPerfect

        .ContentType = "application/wordperfect9"

        FileExtension = ".wpd"

    End Select

  End With

  'Build full filename with extension (if necessary)

  Dim FullFileName As String = FileName.Trim().ToLower

  If Not FullFileName.EndsWith(FileExtension) Then

    FullFileName += FileExtension

  End If

  'Output the HTML header

  Page.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", _

    OpenType + ";filename=" + FullFileName)

  'Output the contents of the panel


  'End the HTML document



 End If

End Sub

Figure 7: The Render method is where all the real work is done. A very basic HTML page is rendered and handed off to the requested application.


Customized Rendering

By the time the Render method of the ExportPanel is executed, the Page_Load event has already been called and ASP.NET has automatically added a bunch of headers and ViewState junk that will only confuse the applications that are about to receive the output from this page. (Also, other controls may be on the page outside the borders of the ExportPanel, and these should not be exported.) Therefore, it is best to simplify things so the resulting HTML is as basic as possible, resulting in more standard rendering no matter which application is used. So everything dumped into the Page so far is cleared, and only the most basic HTML elements are added to begin the new page.


Next, a final check is done to determine whether the application will be opened within the browser or not. The string inline or attachment will be added to a header further along in the code. This is what tells the browser how to open the resulting document.


The Select Case block in the center of the method determines the ContentType that many browsers require, as well as the file extension, which is also usually necessary for the browser to interpret the type of application required to open the document. The next code block simply ensures the file name actually ends up using that file extension.


Next, a header is output to the Page s Response stream. This header gives the browser the file name and gives it the final request to open the application within the document or not.


After all that preparation, the contents of the ExportPanel are finally ready to be added to the output stream. It only takes a single line of code to do all that work, by calling the RenderChildren method of the base Panel object.


To wrap things up, the closing tags of this basic HTML page are rendered, and the Response is ended to help ensure no other controls on the page are exported besides the ones inside the ExportPanel.


Design-time Details

After all the preceding code has been put into a Web control library project, it can be compiled into a DLL and added to the Visual Studio.NET toolbox. Then it can be dropped onto a Web form in any ASP.NET Web application and used just like any other control in the toolbox.


Drag the ExportPanel onto a Web form, size it to the height and width of your liking, and fill it with stuff. As mentioned earlier, input controls don t tend to work well in the resulting exports, so stick with standard reporting output such as grids, labels, and other static text. My experimentations have also suggested that setting the Web form s PageLayout property to FlowLayout tends to display better results than the default GridLayout.


You can set any of the standard Panel properties to make it look nice if you wish to use it as a standard Panel. Then, by setting the ExportType property (either at design time or run time) it will spring to life, providing seamless exporting capabilities to your data presentations. As the resulting file arrives in the browser, a dialog box will be presented to the user asking if they wish to save or open the file. This browser security feature cannot be disabled via ASP.NET.


In essence, it all boils down to setting the appropriate content type, specifying the file name, and requesting that the application be opened either inside the browser or externally. It also helps to simplify the HTML so the various applications will be able to display the resulting file easily and consistently.


The ExportPanel control and source code referenced in this article are available for download.


Steve C. Orr is an MCSD and a Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET. He s been developing software solutions for leading companies in the Seattle area for more than a decade. When he s not busy designing software systems or writing about it, he can often be found loitering at local user groups and habitually lurking in the ASP.NET newsgroup. Find out more about him at or e-mail him at mailto:[email protected].


Advanced Solutions from Third-parties

HTML is not the only technique available for exporting to Office applications, and sometimes more control is needed than HTML can provide. Perhaps you want to output several sheets to Excel and have them all appropriately named, and maybe throw some fancy formulas and charts in there, too. These are some of the many potential requirements that HTML output is not likely to meet. If you need advanced exporting functionality, here are two quality third-party products that just might earn their keep:




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