The Promise Of NVMe

The Promise Of NVMe

In the 1980s, data storage took a big leap forward with innovations like the CD and 3.5-inch oppy drive. In the ’90s, the big innovations were optical disk, flash technology and rewritable CDs.Those advances were critical in their time to address the increased use of compute resources and the resulting explosion in data requiring storage.

As history tends to do, it continues to repeat itself. One often-cited statistic from IDC predicts that the amount
of data worldwide will reach 175 zettabytes by 2025.To put that into perspective, one zettabyte equals one billion terabytes. IDC expects about half of that data to restore on-premise, with an equal amount stored in the cloud. That’s a lot of data—data that increasingly is being used in real-time workloads, for big data analytics, and in applications that involve arti cial intelligence and machine learning. All of these applications require higher throughput, lower latency and greater scalability than ever before. So what’s an enterprise racking up the data to do for storage? Enter NVME

According to research from IDC, most storage professionals believe NVMe will increase overall throughput, increase storage security, reduce overall latency and increase IOPs. Clearly, NVMe holds a lot of promise. And there are many ways that organizations have begun exploiting the power of NVMe today. It’s ideal for high- performance workloads that require
very low latency, consolidating workloads, managing data portability, and much more.

This report will explain how NVME works, what assets make it uniquely qualified for the enterprise in the age of big data and machine learning, and how to determine when you’re ready to deploy it in your enterprise.