Free SQL Server VideosFree SQL Server Videos
A few years ago I spent an obscene amount of time creating a website where I could offer a number of free video tutorials about SQL Server. My idea at the time was to eventually create enough content and attract enough users to ‘entice’ advertisers to make the site profitable.
October 2, 2012

A few years ago I spent an obscene amount of time creating a website where I could offer a number of free video tutorials about SQL Server. My idea at the time was to eventually create enough content and attract enough users to ‘entice’ advertisers to make the site profitable. But, I only ever ended up creating about 4.5 hours’ worth of content on the site (in large part because each minute of finalized video typically ends up taking about an average of an HOUR to produce – once you figure in all of the time needed to plan out a video, create samples as needed, then walk through a presentation, clean up the audio, and then ‘produce’ the video and such so that it doesn’t waste people’s time when they watch it).
Related: SQL Server Education and Training
And, while the site does attract thousands of visitors every month (and serves around 100GB of videos), I’ve yet to add more content to the site in way too long of a time. But, I also can’t seem to stop myself from occasionally revamping the site and trying to make it easier to navigate and use. (Partially just because working on the site really appeals to the ‘developer in me’.) – New and Revamped
So, over the past few months I’ve been working on some changes to make the site easier to navigate and to make it easier for site visitors to start watching videos.
And, while I’ve mentioned a few times in previous posts (or linked to applicable videos here and there), I figured it wouldn’t be too vile (or self-promoting) if I went ahead and made a full-blown post here announcing those new navigation changes and my hopes/intentions of picking things back up in terms of adding new content within the next few months – especially since I’m hoping that people who benefit from reading content on this blog (which primarily targets ‘reluctant DBAs’) will also be able to benefit from over four hours of totally free content on
So, if you haven’t heard of before, or if you haven’t been to the site in a while, go take a peek and see if you find it easier to navigate – and to see if you can find any content or tutorials that you find useful.
Related: SQL Server Pro YouTube Channel
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