Red Brook Software Enhances WiredNavRed Brook Software Enhances WiredNav
October 30, 2009
Red Brook Software Enhances WiredNav
Red Brook Software announced WiredNav 3.0, an enhancedversion of their self-wiring .NET control for filling, navigating, searching,validating, updating, and reporting ADO.NET data tables. The control can beused in database applications without the developer writing a single line ofcode or making any initial property settings for the control.
There are noDataAdapter, DataSet, DataSource, BindingSource, or DataTable properties forthe control. At run time, WiredNav automatically wires itself to every dataobject found on the Windows form to which it is added. With this technique,only one navigator is required per form instead of one per data table withoutadditional coding. When a user enters a DataGridView or other data-boundcontrol, WiredNav switches to the correct instances of the data objects for thedata-bound control.
WiredNav allowsdevelopers to set up input validation using a unique interface at design timefor DataGridView, TextBox, and ComboBox controls and validate them at run time.WiredNav can validate input using Constant Value, Constant Value List, RangeValues, Regular Expression, and Data Type Only validation types. WiredNavprovides detailed error messages for each validation type and custom errormessages can also be created.
WiredNav addsflexible report management for SQL Server Reporting Services and CrystalReports. When filtering is required, the user can enter parameter values forSQL Server Reporting Services or selection criteria for Crystal Reports.
WiredNav is basedon a ToolStrip and can be placed in the panels of a ToolStripContainer. Thebutton images on the navigator can be customized and the entire navigator canbe hidden on the Windows form. WiredNav methods can be used in code toduplicate all the functionality of the navigator when items are not visible orthe navigator is hidden.
WiredNav includesa number of new features to improve data binding, currency management, anddisconnected data handling. WiredNav can connect to SQL, Oracle, OLEDB, andODBC data adapters. WiredNav can also wire up the following third-party grids:ComponentOne True DBGrid for .NET, Developer Express XtraGrid for .NET,Infragistics UltraWinGrid, Janus GridEX Control for .NET, and Xceed Grid for.NET.
Red Brook Software,Inc.
Price: US$199
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