Gurock Software Releases SmartInspectGurock Software Releases SmartInspect
October 30, 2009
Gurock Software Releases SmartInspect
Gurock Software announced the release of SmartInspect, a loggingtool for debugging and monitoring .NET, Java, and Delphiapplications. SmartInspect simplifies and improves the way developers, testers,and support engineers create, maintain, and support software applications.
SmartInspect helpssoftware development teams identify bugs and find solutions to customerproblems, and it provides a clear understanding of how their software works indifferent environments and under different circumstances. SmartInspect candebug distributed systems, multi-threaded applications, and software onproduction systems.
SmartInspect shipswith three native libraries for .NET, Java, and Delphi.Full source code and an extensive online manual are included for all libraries.The viewer application, SmartInspect Console, provides tools to view, filter,and edit all log messages generated by your applications.
Testers andsupport engineers can use SmartInspect to decrease response time to customerrequests, detect defects, and develop workarounds; developers benefit from theadditional assistance while creating increasingly complex softwareapplications.
A 30-day fullyfunctional trial version of SmartInspect of is available for download from theGurock Software Web site.
Gurock SoftwareGmbH
Price: US$229
Web Site:
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