DevTrack 5.5DevTrack 5.5
October 30, 2009
DevTrack 5.5
DevTrack, from TechExcel, is a Web-based defect- andproject-tracking tool for software development teams that tracks and managesdefects, change requests, feature enhancements, and all other developmentissues. It provides workflow and process automation features and detailedsearching and reporting - all configured with a comprehensive point-and-clickadministration tool. Version 5.5 features test-case management and VersionLinkfor integration with any version-control system, enhancing DevTrack's power tomanage and automate the software development lifecycle. The test-casemanagement feature provides a comprehensive test-management solution andintegrates the two critical processes in product development - defect trackingand QA testing - and it lets managers and engineers create, manage, anddocument all test plans in a centralized repository.
TechExcel Inc.
Price: Contact vendor
Contact: (925)871-3900; mailto:[email protected]
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