Q: How do I control which virtual machines use Virtual Machine Device Queues with Hyper-V?Q: How do I control which virtual machines use Virtual Machine Device Queues with Hyper-V?
Native Hyper-V lets you control which virtual machines use Virtual Machine Device Queues (VMDq).
February 22, 2012
A: Native Hyper-V lets you control which virtual machines (VMs) use Virtual Machine Device Queues (VMDq) by modifying the VMQOffloadWeight attribute of the associated switch port for the virtual NIC on the VM. A setting of 0 disables VMDq for the VM.
A better way to control this is to use System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM). By default, it actually turns off VMDq for virtual machinescreated.
To control it, open the properties of a VM, navigate to Hardware Configuration and the network adapter. Then clear the check box for Enable virtual network optimizations to disable VMDq (if it’s available), or select the check box to enable VMDq. (See the screen shot below.)
Note that if you have more VMs enabled for VMDq than are actually supported on the network devices, then the first VMs to start will be allocated a VMDq up to the maximum available.
The rest of the VMs will share the default queue for the virtual switch.
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