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How can I modify share permissions from the command line?

A. The Windows NT resource kit ships with a utility called RMTSHARE.EXE that is used to modify permissions on shares. The syntax to grant access to a share is as follows:

rmtshare \\<server name>\<share> /grant <username>:<permission>, e.g.
rmtshare \\bugsbunny\movies /grant savillj:f

Valid permissions are f for full, r for read, c for change and n for none. To revoke access to a share type

rmtshare \\<server name>\<share> /grant <username>, e.g.
rmtshare \\bugsbunny\movies /grant savillj

This would remove savillj's access to the share. To view share permissions enter:

rmtshare \\<server name>\<share> /users, e.g.
rmtshare \\bugsbunny\movies /grant

RMTSHARE.EXE also allows the creation and deletion of shares. Type rmtshare /? for help.

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