NT Gatekeeper: Set the Audit Policy RemotelyNT Gatekeeper: Set the Audit Policy Remotely
Learn about the resource kit's Auditpol tool— how to use it and what the potential risks are.
July 1, 2001
To minimize performance impact on critical Windows NT 4.0 applications and domain controllers (DCs), I turn NT auditing on and off as needed. What command-prompt tool can I use to configure audit policy settings on local and remote systems? If such a tool exists, can attackers misuse it to cover their tracks?
The Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Resource Kit Auditpol tool lets you view or modify the audit policy on a local or remote computer from a command prompt. Attackers with Administrator access to a system can use Auditpol to cover their tracks by typing
auditpol /disable
before starting their actions and
auditpol /enable
when they're finished. However, running Auditpol in this manner usually logs an audit-policy change event—provided that you're auditing policy changes.
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