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Q. How can I get a list of all aliases available in PowerShell?

A. The cmdlet Get-Alias outputs a list of all the aliases available in the PowerShell session. Aliases are short names or alternate commands for longer PowerShell cmdlets. Aliases are also used to give alternate names to commands that may be more familiar in the command prompt. For example, there's an alias called "dir" for the Get-ChildItem cmdlet. A sample of the output is shown below.

PS C:\Users\john.SAVILLTECH> get-alias

CommandType     Name                    Definition
-----------     ----                    ----------
Alias           %                       ForEach-Object
Alias           ?                       Where-Object
Alias           ac                      Add-Content
Alias           asnp                    Add-PSSnapIn
Alias           cat                     Get-Content
Alias           cd                      Set-Location
Alias           chdir                   Set-Location
Alias           clc                     Clear-Content
Alias           clear                   Clear-Host
Alias           clhy                    Clear-History
Alias           cli                     Clear-Item
Alias           clp                     Clear-ItemProperty
Alias           cls                     Clear-Host
Alias           clv                     Clear-Variable
Alias           compare                 Compare-Object
Alias           copy                    Copy-Item
Alias           cp                      Copy-Item
Alias           cpi                     Copy-Item
Alias           cpp                     Copy-ItemProperty
Alias           cvpa                    Convert-Path
Alias           dbp                     Disable-PSBreakpoint
Alias           del                     Remove-Item
Alias           diff                    Compare-Object
Alias           dir                     Get-ChildItem
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