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PowerShell Tip: Querying Multiple Computers with WMI

I found myself having to grab a bunch of information from several servers today. They're all domain controllers, and I actually have several text files that list all of my servers holding various roles. There's a DomainControllers.txt file, a DNSServers.txt file, and so on. Each file includes one computer name per line, and it's just the computer names in there - nothing else.

I used to run a command like this in PowerShell:

Get-Content DomainControllers.txt | ForEach-Object { Get-WmiObject Win32_BIOS -computerName $_ }

That worked... but yuck. Anytime you see "ForEach-Object," you have to wonder if you're working too hard - because about 90% of the time, there's an easier, more understandable way. Throwing that $_ in there is especially confusing. What I REALLY wanted to do was this:

GC DomainControllers.txt | Gwmi -class Win32_BIOS

GC is an alias for Get-Content, and Gwmi is an alias for Get-WmiObject, but this command won't work. I initially hoped that it would take the computer names I was piping in and "attach" them to the -computerName parameter - something called parameter binding - but Get-WmiObject wasn't written that way for some reason. Oversight, perhaps. 

But you CAN do this:

Gwmi Win32_BIOS -comp (gc domaincontrollers.txt)

"-comp" is just shorthand for -computerName; you only have to type enough of a parameter name to distinguish it from others. See those parentheses? They're forcing PowerShell to execute Get-Content first, and the parenthetical expression is then replaced by its results - in other words, it's feeding the computer names from the file into the -comp parameter. 

The downside of this technique is that Get-WmiObject contacts computers sequentially, so it can take a while to run. Add the -AsJob parameter, though, and it'll run in the background. Use Get-Job to watch the job status, and Receive-Job to get the results - which will include a __SERVER property so that you can tell which results came from which computer. 
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