Q & A: Find Your .NET Framework VersionsQ & A: Find Your .NET Framework Versions
See how to quickly find the version of the .NET Framework that you're running
December 14, 2015
Q: I’ve understood that Microsoft is going to end support for the 4, 4.5 and 4.51 versions of the .NET Framework in January 2016. How can I find the version of the .NET Framework that I’m running?
A: The easiest way to simply open File Explorer and then navigate to the WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework directory and look for the different folders there that start with the letter v. In Figure 1 you can see the most current version of the .NET Framework is v4.0.30319.
Figure 1 – Finding the installed versions of the .NET Framework
You can also find your current version of the .NET Framework with PowerShell by examining the CLRVersion property of the $PSVersionTable object like you can see in the following example.
PS C:UsersMichael> $PSVersionTable.CLRVersion
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
4 0 30319 42000
You can download the latest version of the .NET Framework from Microsoft.NET.
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