JSI Tip 9484. How do I configure Windows XP SP2 Internet Explorer notification when active content is downloaded or run from CD?
June 21, 2005
By default, Windows XP SP2 presents an Information Bar notification when active content is being downloaded from the Internet or from a CD.
To configure the notification when active content is download from the Internet, or run from a file on a CD:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. On the Tools menu, press Internet Options.
3. Select the Advanced tab.
4. To configure the notification for active content on the Internet, check or clear the Allow active content to run in files on My Computer box.
5. To configure the notification for active content on a CD, check or clear Allow active content from CDs to run on My Computer.
6. Press Apply.
7. Press OK.
I have scripted ActiveContent.bat to configure active content notification via the registry.
The syntax for using ActiveContent.bat is:
ActiveContent [I:Y|N] [C:Y|N]
Where at least one parameter is required:
I:Y|N - indicates that you wish to set the Internet notification to Y (Yes) or N (No).C:Y|N - indicates that you wish to set the CD notification to Y (Yes) or N (No).
NOTE: I previously discussed the effects of setting the Internet Active Content setting to 1 (N) at:
tip 8394 The Windows XP SP2 FEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWN may prevent viewing pictures in Internet Explorer, script and/or ActiveX errors?tip 8722 When you open an HTML or MHTML file in Internet Explorer on Windows XP SP2, AutoShapes that were added by a Microsoft Office program do NOT appear?
NOTE: You can create a custom administrative templates file for use with group policy.
ActiveContent.bat contains:
@echo offsetlocalif {%1}
{} goto :errset IN=Xset CD=X:againif {%1}
{} goto doitset work=%1shiftif /i "%work:~0,1%" EQU "I" goto Internetif /i "%work:~0,1%" EQU "C" goto CDROMgoto err:Internetif /i "%work:~1,2%" EQU ":Y" set IN=0&goto againif /i "%work:~1,2%" EQU ":N" set IN=1&goto againgoto err:CDROMif /i "%work:~1,2%" EQU ":Y" set CD=0&goto againif /i "%work:~1,2%" EQU ":N" set CD=1&goto againgoto err:doitif "%IN%" NEQ "X" call :doinif "%CD%" NEQ "X" call :docdendlocalgoto :EOF:doin@echo REG ADD "HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainFeatureControlFEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWN" /V Iexplore.exe /T REG_DWORD /F /D %IN%REG ADD "HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainFeatureControlFEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWN" /V Iexplore.exe /T REG_DWORD /F /D %IN%@echo.goto :EOF:docd@echo REG ADD "HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainFeatureControlFEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWNSettings" /V LOCALMACHINE_CD_UNLOCK /T REG_DWORD /F /D %CD%REG ADD "HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainFeatureControlFEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWNSettings" /V LOCALMACHINE_CD_UNLOCK /T REG_DWORD /F /D %CD%@echo.goto :EOF:err@echo Syntax: ActiveContent [I:Y^|N] [C:Y^|N]endlocal
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