JSI Tip 0390 - Registry entries for the FTP service.JSI Tip 0390 - Registry entries for the FTP service.
January 13, 1998
Registry entries that are specific to the FTP Service are located at:
Value | Type | Default | D e s c r i p t i o n |
AccessCheck | REG_DWORD | 0 | Designed for FAT volumes. 0=No Access check, 1=Access will be verified against the permissions you set on a new sub-key of Parameters, also called AccessCheck. |
AllowAnonymous | REG_DWORD | 1 | 0=Anonymous users are not permitted to connect to or download files from the FTP service. This will expose the username/password in clear test. 1=Anonymous allowed. |
AnnotateDirectories | REG_DWORD | 0 | 0=no annotation. 1=FTP annotates by displaying the contents of the hidden 390ftpsvc390.ckm file in each directory. |
AnonymousOnly | REG_SZ | 0 | 0=IIS permits both anonymous and non-anonymous connections.1=IIS does not permit non-anonymous connections to the FTP service. |
EnablePortAttack | REG_DWORD | 0 | 0=The FTP service does not establish connections to ports with numbers lower than IP_PORT_RESERVED (1024), except for the standard FTP data port (20). 1=Allow clients to destroy the server. |
ExitMessage | REG_SZ | Blank | The text sent in response to a QUIT. |
GreetingMessage | REG_SZ or REG_MULTI_SZ | Blank | The message sent by the FTP service when a user logs on. |
LogAnonymous | REG_SZ | 1 | 0=Don't log anonymous connections in the Application Event log. 1=Do log. |
LogNonAnonymous | REG_DWORD | 1 | 0=Don't record non-anonymous connections in the Application Event log. 1=Do log. |
LowercaseFiles | REG_DWORD | 0 | 0=Native file System functionality. 1=Convert to lowercase before searching. |
MaxClientsMessage | REG_SZ | Blank | Text of message when logon is rejected due to maximum connections limit. |
MsdosDirOutput | REG_DWORD | 1 | 0=UNIX. 1=DOS. |
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