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JSI Tip 1756. STOP: 0X00002B PANIC_STACK_SWITCH on Alpha during SQL 7.0 SP1 setup?

If you use a Powerstorm 4d20 video, with the Tga2 driver, during the SQL 7.0 SP1 setup on your Alpha, you will receive:

STOP: 0X00002B (0xDE05CFA4,0x00000003,0Xfffffff0,0xf657c000)
Microsoft Windows NT \[0xf0000565\]
Machine State at Call to Bug Check PC : 800c0364 PSR : 0000001E

Callee-Sp Return -Ra Dll Base - Name
806d9e00 800c0364 : 80080000 - ntoskrnl.exe
FFFFFFF0 DE05CFA8 80080000 - ntoskrnl.exe

Callee-SP Return-RA Call Site

806d90f0 800b854c : ntkrnlmp!DbgBreakPointWithStatus+0x4
806d90f0 800bfde0 : ntkrnlmp!KeBugCheckEx+0x254
806d9620 800c2694 : ntkrnlmp!KiMemoryManagementException+0xf4
806d9820 800c255c : ntkrnlmp!KiLookupFunctionEntry+0x74
806d9840 800b84a0 : ntkrnlmp!KeDumpMachineState+0x17c
806d98d0 800c0360 : ntkrnlmp!KeBugCheckEx+0x1a8
806d9e00 de05cfa4 : ntkrnlmp!KiPanicException+0x8
fffffff0 80174230 : win32k!W32pThreadCallout+0x4
00000010 00000000 : ntkrnlmp!PsConvertToGuiThread+0x250 
The workaround is to use the standard VGA video drivers. The Powerstorm 4d20 video driver files are:
   Date        Time    File name  
   01/22/1998  10:14a  Tga2.dll
   01/22/1998  10:18a  Tga2.sys
The impacted computers are:
AlphaServer 1200 
AlphaServer 4000/4100 
AlphaServer 8200/8400 
Digital Ultimate Workstation

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