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Reader to Reader - Exchange Server and Outlook Solutions - 01 Mar 1999

\[Editor's note: Email your Exchange Server and Outlook solutions (under 400 words) to R2R at [email protected]. Please include your phone number. We will edit submissions for style, grammar, and length. If we print your contribution, you'll get $100.\]

We have implemented an Inbox size limit of 20MB. Recently, several users complained when a system message informed them that their mailboxes were full and that they needed to delete some messages. However, those users had only a few messages in their mailboxes, and their messages definitely did not add up to 20MB. Then, I found the culprit: By default, Outlook Journaling was turned on for Microsoft applications.

When you open a Microsoft Office document—either an attachment or a file from a system folder—Outlook creates an entry in the Journal folder. You can click this folder and observe the entries for different attachment types. Each of these entries typically consumes 4KB in the Information Store. In several months, the entries can add up and trigger the system message that users' mailboxes are full.

To remedy this situation, the user can go to Tools, Option, Journal, and clear all the boxes in the Also record files from: window. Then, the user can manually delete all the entries in the Journal folder.

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Clarification: Third-Party Products for Exchange Server Clusters

In "Life with Exchange Server Clusters" (November 1998), Tony Redmond writes that he hasn't found any third-party backup products that explicitly support Exchange Server in a clustered environment. Legato Systems says that although the company doesn't classify its NetWorker and NetWorker BusinesSuite Module for Microsoft Exchange Server as Windows NT cluster-aware, you can easily configure the products to operate correctly in the NT cluster environment. To obtain Legato's document "Using BusinesSuite Module for Microsoft Exchange Server in a Windows NT Cluster," contact Jerry Hoetger at Legato Systems ([email protected]).

Other companies are working on cluster-aware versions of their products (e.g., Computer Associates' ARCserve 6.6). Check with vendors to be sure their product supports Exchange Server in a cluster environment.

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