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Upgrade Azure Site-to-Site Gateway to High-Performance

Q: How can I convert my Azure site-to-site VPN gateway to the high-performance SKU, instead of the default?

A: The high-performance site-to-site VPN gateway enables up to 200Mbps and 30 connections. It can be configured at the time of the site-to-site gateway creation from PowerShell, or an existing site-to-site VPN gateway can be converted from the default to high-performance (and from high-performance back to the default). Use the Resize-AzureVNetGateway cmdlet to switch between gateway SKUs; for example:

Resize-AzureVNetGateway -GatewaySKU HighPerformance -VNetName VNetNameHere

Note that you need the latest Azure PowerShell cmdlets for this method to work (at least 0.8.12).

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