URL for SkyDrive Pro ConfigurationURL for SkyDrive Pro Configuration
How to find the URL to configure SkyDrive Pro in SharePoint.
September 25, 2013

Q: What URL do I type in to configure SkyDrive Pro on my machine?
A: SkyDrive Pro works in a similar manner to the consumer SkyDrive but synchronizes work-based content with your organization's SharePoint installation (on-premises/Office 365). When you first launch the SkyDrive Pro application, it will ask for the URL to use to configure synchronization. This URL should have been automatically configured using Group Policy or given to you by your administrator. If you don't know it, use the process below when leveraging Office 365:
Log on to your Outlook Web Access site (http://www.outlook.com/).
Select the SkyDrive area and click the SYNC button in the top right corner.
A screen will be displayed, prompting you to set up easy access to your library. Click the Sync Now button.
A dialog will be displayed asking you to confirm if a program can be opened on your computer. Click Allow.
The SkyDrive Pro application will launch, and the URL will be automatically completed along with the location to cache content to. Click the Sync Now button.
The synchronization will run in the background, and a dialog box will inform you of the synchronization and give you the option to open the folder on your machine. You now have SkyDrive Pro configured.
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