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Q. What are sticky notes in Windows 7?

A. Windows 7 has some cool gadgets, and the sticky notes are one of the more useful. The sticky notes accept text and ink input and can be configured with different colors. They provide an easy way to make little notes to yourself on your desktop.

Sticky notes are available in the Accessories group. The feature's image is in %windir%\system32\StikyNot.exe.

Once the notes are running, you can create additional notes using the plus sign at the top left of an existing note. If you right-click a note, you can change its color. Notes can be resized, and if you look at the taskbar icon for sticky notes, you can read the notes.

There are several keyboard shortcuts to modify the text in the window, listed below.

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Ctrl + B Bold toggle
Ctrl + I Italic toggle
Ctrl + T Strikethrough toggle
Ctrl + U Underline toggle
Ctrl + Shift + L Rotates through various list options, such as bulleted, numbered, and lettered
Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease text size
Ctrl + Shift + > Increase text size

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TAGS: Windows 7/8
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