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Q. In a PowerShell workflow how can I load assemblies for certain actions?

Q. In a PowerShell workflow how can I load assemblies for certain actions?

Q. In a PowerShell workflow how can I load assemblies for certain actions?


A. In regular PowerShell assemblies can be loaded using Add-Type or [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(<assembley>) however this is not legal in a PowerShell workflow. Instead you need to use a section of InlineScript and contain the assembly load and usage within it. For example:

 $NewPassword = InlineScript {
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web


Note the code in the InlineScript outputs a value which I then save into a variable on the outside of the InlineScript section.

Here's more information and tips on using variables when using InlineScript can be found.

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