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Q. How do I determine if a string is all alphabetic or all numeric?

While processing strings in a batch script, you may need to know if the string contains only alphabetic (A-Z / a-z) or only numeric (0-9) characters.

I have scripted Alphabetic.bat and Numeric.bat. The syntax for using these tools are:

call alphabetic string answer


call numeric string answer

where string is the environment variable you wish to interrogate and answer is a call directed environment variable that will be set to a Y or a N.

Alphabetic.bat contains:

@echo off
set string=%1
set string=%string:"=%
if \{%2\}

\{\} @echo Syntax: Alphabetic string answer&endlocal&goto :EOF
@echo %string%|findStr /i "\[^a-z\]">nul
set %2=N
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 set %2=Y

Numeric.bat contains:

@echo off
set string=%1
set string=%string:"=%
if \{%2\}

\{\} @echo Syntax: Numeric string answer&endlocal&&goto :EOF
@echo %string%|findStr "\[^0-9\]">nul
set %2=N
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 set %2=Y

NOTE: See How do I parse a string using position and length variables?

NOTE: See How do I determine if an all alphabetic string is all upper case or all lower case?

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