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JSI Tip 9740. How can I set variables equal to a DHCP True/False indicator, IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, MAC address, DNS server address, DHCP server address, and network adapter description on the local computer?

If have scripted DHCPInfo.bat to set environment variables to a DHCP True/False indicator, IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, MAC address, DNS server address, DHCP server address, and network adapter description on the local computer.

The syntax for using DHCPInfo.bat is:

DHCPinfo TrueFalse IPaddress SubNetMask DefGateWay MACaddress DNSsrv DHCPsrv NICdesc


TrueFalse    is a call directed environment variable that will contain a T if DHCP is enabled or an F if it is not enabled.

IPaddress    is a call directed environment variable that will contain the IP address, or NONE.

SubNetMask   is a call directed environment variable that will contain the subnet mask, or NONE.

DefGateWay   is a call directed environment variable that will contain the default gateway, or NONE.

MACaddress   is a call directed environment variable that will contain the MAC address, or NONE.

DNSsrv       is a call directed environment variable that will contain the DNS server address, or NONE.

DHCPsrv      is a call directed environment variable that will contain the DHCP server address, or NONE.

NICdesc      is a call directed environment variable that will contain the network adapter quoted description.
DHCPInfo.bat contains:

@echo off
if \{%8\}==\{\} @echo Syntax DHCPinfo TrueFalse IPaddress SubNetMask DefGateWay MACaddress DNSsrv DHCPsrv NICdesc&goto :EOF
if exist "%TEMP%\DHCPinfo.vbs" goto doit
@echo set IPConfigSet = GetObject("winmgmts:\{impersonationLevel=impersonate\}!root\cimv2").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled=TRUE")>"%TEMP%\DHCPinfo.vbs"
@echo for each IPConfig in IPConfigSet>>"%TEMP%\DHCPinfo.vbs"
@echo.    wscript.echo 
" ^& IPConfig.DHCPEnabled(i) _>>"%TEMP%\DHCPinfo.vbs" @echo. ^&
^& IPConfig.IPAddress(i) _>>"%TEMP%\DHCPinfo.vbs" @echo. ^&
^& IPConfig.IPSubnet(i) _>>"%TEMP%\DHCPinfo.vbs" @echo. ^&
^& IPConfig.DefaultIPGateway(i) _>>"%TEMP%\DHCPinfo.vbs" @echo. ^&
^& IPConfig.MACAddress(i) _>>"%TEMP%\DHCPinfo.vbs" @echo. ^&
^& IPConfig.DNSServerSearchOrder(i) _>>"%TEMP%\DHCPinfo.vbs" @echo. ^&
^& IPConfig.DHCPServer(i) _>>"%TEMP%\DHCPinfo.vbs" @echo. ^&
^& IPConfig.Description(i) ^&
">>"%TEMP%\DHCPinfo.vbs">>"%TEMP%\DHCPinfo.vbs" :doit for /f "Tokens=1-7* Delims=," %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%TEMP%\DHCPinfo.vbs"') do ( set a1=%%a set a2=%%b set a3=%%c set a4=%%d set a5=%%e set a6=%%f set a7=%%g set a8=%%h ) if /i "%a1%" EQU "True" set a1=T&goto strip set a1=F :strip if %a2% EQU "" ( set a2=NONE ) ELSE ( set a2=%a2:"=% ) if %a3% EQU "" ( set a3=NONE ) ELSE ( set a3=%a3:"=% ) if %a4% EQU "" ( set a4=NONE ) ELSE ( set a4=%a4:"=% ) if %a5% EQU "" ( set a5=NONE ) ELSE ( set a5=%a5:"=% ) if %a6% EQU "" ( set a6=NONE ) ELSE ( set a6=%a6:"=% ) if %a7% EQU "" ( set a7=NONE ) ELSE ( set a7=%a7:"=% ) endlocal&set %1=%a1%&set %2=%a2%&set %3=%a3%&set %4=%a4%&set %5=%a5%&set %6=%a6%&set %7=%a7%&set %8=%a8%

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