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JSI Tip 8685. Your domain name does not appear in the correct form in the DNS record of a domain controller?

Some services of Active Directory, like LDAP services, do not function correctly. When you look in the Netlogon.dns file, you see only the host name of the domain controller, instead of the fully qualified domain name. Dcdiag.exe cannot resolve the FQDN of the domain controller. The DNS snap-in displays the FQDN as the server name in the _msdcs zone. The DNS event log contains:

Event ID: 414
Type: Warning
Time: HH:MM:SS
Source: DNS
User: N/A
Computer: <Server Name>
Description: The DNS server machine currently has no DNS domain name. Its DNS name is a single label hostname with no domain (example: "host" rather than ""). You might have forgotten to configure a primary DNS domain for the server computer.
For more information, see either "DNS server log reference" or "To configure the primary DNS suffix for a client computer" in the online Help. While the DNS server has only a single label name, all zones created will have default records (SOA and NS) created using only this single label name for the server's hostname. This can lead to incorrect and failed referrals when clients and other DNS servers use these records to locate this server by name.

To correct this problem:
1) Open ControlPanel.
2) Open System applet.
3) Select NetworkIdentification tab.
4) Click the "Properties" button and enter a domain name or workgroup name; this name will be used as your DNS domain name.
5) Reboot to initialize with new domain name.
After reboot, the DNS server will attempt to fix up default records, substituting new DNS name of this server, for old single label name. However, you should review to make sure zone's SOA and NS records now properly use correct domain name of this server.

This behavior will occur if any of the following Value Names at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters have become corrupted:

NV Domain
NV Hostname

To resolve this problem, run:

FixTCPHostDom.bat HostName DomainName

where HostName is the NetBios host name of the domain controller, and DomainName is the DNS domain name.



FixTCPHostDom.bat contains:

@echo off
If \{%2\}==\{\} @echo Syntax: FixTCPHostDom.bat HostName DomainName&goto :EOF
set HN=%1
set DN=%2
@echo REGEDIT4>"%TEMP%\FixTCPHostDom.tmp"
@echo \[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\]>>"%TEMP%\FixTCPHostDom.tmp"
@echo "NV Hostname"=->>"%TEMP%\FixTCPHostDom.tmp"
@echo "NV Hostname"="%HN%">>"%TEMP%\FixTCPHostDom.tmp"
@echo "Domain"=->>"%TEMP%\FixTCPHostDom.tmp"
@echo "Domain"="%DN%">>"%TEMP%\FixTCPHostDom.tmp"
@echo "Hostname"=->>"%TEMP%\FixTCPHostDom.tmp"
@echo "Hostname"="%HN%">>"%TEMP%\FixTCPHostDom.tmp"
@echo "NV Domain"=->>"%TEMP%\FixTCPHostDom.tmp"
@echo "NV Domain"="%DN%">>"%TEMP%\FixTCPHostDom.tmp"
regedit /s "%TEMP%\FixTCPHostDom.tmp"
del /q "%TEMP%\FixTCPHostDom.tmp"
net stop netlogon
net start netlogon

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