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JSI Tip 7340. How can I create a telephone directory from my Active Directory domain?

Using the Active Directory command-line tools, in a Windows 2000 domain, or Windows Server 2003 domain, I have scripted TelDir.bat to produce a telephone directory.

The syntax for using TelDir.bat is:

teldir ReportFile Lines \[/x:exlusions\] \[/n:nn\] \[/o:nn\] \[/t:nn\] \[/i:nn\] \[/e:nn\]


ReportFile      is the file name of the telephone directory report.

Lines           is the number of lines to print per page. 
                It must be less than the number that can be printed before a Print ReportFile command auto-paginates.
                If you print the report landscaped, the number should reflect this.

/x:exlusions    is a list of fields to exclude, using the following table:
                        Exclude  Field            Explanation
                        B        N/A              Only the first heading line is printed.
                        E        E-mail Address
                        F        Fax Number
                        H        Home Phone
                        I        IP Phone
                        M        Mobile Phone 
                        O        Office Name
                        P        Pager Number
/n:nn will set the number of characters in the Name column. The default is 33. The minimum is 15. /o:nn will set the number of characters in the Office column. The default is 12. The minimum is 2. /t:nn will set the number of characters in all telephone number columns. The default is 15. The minimum is 7. /i:nn will set the number of characters in the IpTel column. The default is 24. The minimum is 7. /e:nn will set the number of characters in the Email column. The default is 24. The minimum is 10.

Sample Usage:

TelDir "%UserProfile%\Documents and Settings\TelDir.txt" 60  Will generate the complete report.

TelDir teldir.txt 58 /x:b                                    Will generate the complete report. Only the first record has column headings.

TelDir c:\folder\report.txt 58 /x:IHF                        The report will exclude the IpTel, Home, and Fax columns.

TelDir c:\folder\report.txt 58 /x:I /N:30 /O:10 /E:17 /T:14  The report will exclude the IpTel column.
                                                             The Name column will contain 30 characters,
                                                             the Office column will contain 10 characters,
                                                             the Email column will contain 17 characters,
                                                             and all the telephone number columns will contain 14 characters.
Here is a portion of a complete report, generated with no exclusions or column sizing changes:
............ S ............

Name                              Office       Phone           Mobile          Pager           Fax             Email                    IpTel                    Home           

Schulman, Jennifer V.             Corporate    1 770 475 XXXX  1 XXX XXX XXXX  1 XXX XXX XXXX  1 XXX XXX XXXX  [email protected]                               1 XXX XXX XXXX
Schulman, Jerold                  Corporate    1 770 475 3820  1 678 362 4762  1 XXX XXX XXXX  1 770 442 3820  [email protected]                                  1 XXX XXX XXXX
NOTE: You must download and place it in the %SystemRoot% folder. This file contains a form feed.

TelDir.bat contains:

@echo off
if not exist "%systemroot%\" @echo "%systemroot%\" is missing.&goto :EOF
if \{%2\}

\{\} goto syntax if exist "%TEMP%\teldir.tm1" del /q "%TEMP%\teldir.tm1" set report=%1 if exist %report% del /q %report% set /a lp=1000%2%%1000 set /a lc=0 shift shift set /a nl=33 set /a ol=12 set /a tl=15 set /a il=24 set /a el=24 set exclude=# :param if \{%1\}

\{\} goto begin set p=%1 if /i "%p:~0,3%" EQU "/x:" goto ex if /i "%p:~0,3%" EQU "/o:" goto off if /i "%p:~0,3%" EQU "/t:" goto tel if /i "%p:~0,3%" EQU "/i:" goto ip if /i "%p:~0,3%" EQU "/e:" goto em if /i "%p:~0,3%" EQU "/n:" goto nm goto syntax :nm set wrk=%p:~3% set /a nl=100%wrk%%%100 if %nl% LSS 15 goto syntax goto paramend :em set wrk=%p:~3% set /a el=100%wrk%%%100 if %el% LSS 10 goto syntax goto paramend :ip set wrk=%p:~3% set /a il=100%wrk%%%100 if %il% LSS 7 goto syntax goto paramend :tel set wrk=%p:~3% set /a tl=100%wrk%%%100 if %tl% LSS 7 goto syntax goto paramend :off set wrk=%p:~3% set /a ol=100%wrk%%%100 if %ol% LSS 2 goto syntax goto paramend :ex set exclude=%p:~3%# :paramend shift goto param :syntax @echo Syntax: TelDir ReportFile Lines \[/x:exlusions\] \[/n:nn\] \[/O:nn\] \[/t:nn\] \[/i:nn\] \[/e:nn\] endlocal goto :EOF :begin set EB=N set EE=N set EF=N set EH=N set EI=N set EM=N set EO=N set EP=N set wrk=%exclude:B=% if "%wrk%" NEQ "%exclude%" set EB=Y set wrk=%exclude:E=% if "%wrk%" NEQ "%exclude%" set EE=Y set wrk=%exclude:F=% if "%wrk%" NEQ "%exclude%" set EF=Y set wrk=%exclude:H=% if "%wrk%" NEQ "%exclude%" set EH=Y set wrk=%exclude:I=% if "%wrk%" NEQ "%exclude%" set EI=Y set wrk=%exclude:M=% if "%wrk%" NEQ "%exclude%" set EM=Y set wrk=%exclude:O=% if "%wrk%" NEQ "%exclude%" set EO=Y set wrk=%exclude:P=% if "%wrk%" NEQ "%exclude%" set EP=Y set wrk=Name # call set title=%%wrk:~0,%nl%%% set wrk=Office # if "%EO%" NEQ "Y" call set title=%title% %%wrk:~0,%ol%%% set wrk=Phone # call set title=%title% %%wrk:~0,%tl%%% set wrk=Mobile # if "%EM%" NEQ "Y" call set title=%title% %%wrk:~0,%tl%%% set wrk=Pager # if "%EP%" NEQ "Y" call set title=%title% %%wrk:~0,%tl%%% set wrk=Fax # if "%EF%" NEQ "Y" call set title=%title% %%wrk:~0,%tl%%% set wrk=Email # if "%EE%" NEQ "Y" call set title=%title% %%wrk:~0,%el%%% set wrk=IpTel # if "%EI%" NEQ "Y" call set title=%title% %%wrk:~0,%il%%% set wrk=Home # if "%EH%" NEQ "Y" call set title=%title% %%wrk:~0,%tl%%% for /f "Tokens=*" %%u in ('dsquery user domainroot -name * -limit 0') do ( for /f "Tokens=*" %%t in ('dsget user %%u -fn -mi -ln -tel -email -hometel -pager -mobile -fax -iptel -office -c -l') do set line=%%t&call :parse ) sort "%TEMP%\teldir.tm1" /O "%TEMP%\teldir.tm2" if "%EB%" EQU "Y" @echo %title%>%report%&set /a lp=999999 set prev= for /f "Tokens=*" %%t in ('type "%TEMP%\teldir.tm2"') do set line=%%t&call :reportit del /q "%TEMP%\teldir.tm1" del /q "%TEMP%\teldir.tm2" endlocal goto :EOF :reportit if "%EB%" EQU "Y" goto rpt1 if not defined prev goto new if %lc% EQU %lp% goto new if /i "%prev%" EQU "%line:~0,1%" goto rpt1 :new if exist %report% call :copys>nul 2>&1 set /a lc=4 set prev=%line:~0,1% @echo ............ %prev% ............>>%report% @echo.>>%report% @echo %title%>>%report% @echo.>>%report% :rpt1 @echo %line%>>%report% set /a lc=%lc% + 1 goto :EOF :parse set line=%line:)= % set line=%line:(= % if /i "%line%" EQU "dsget succeeded" goto :out for /f "Tokens=1* Delims=: " %%p in ('@echo %line%') do set ti=%%p&set data=%%q if /i "%ti%" EQU "fn" set fn=%data%&goto :EOF if /i "%ti%" EQU "mi" set mi=%data%&goto :EOF if /i "%ti%" EQU "ln" set ln=%data%&goto :EOF if /i "%ti%" EQU "office" set office=%data%&goto :EOF if /i "%ti%" EQU "tel" set tel=%data%&goto :EOF if /i "%ti%" EQU "email" set email=%data%&goto :EOF if /i "%ti%" EQU "hometel" set hometel=%data%&goto :EOF if /i "%ti%" EQU "pager" set pager=%data%&goto :EOF if /i "%ti%" EQU "mobile" set mobile=%data%&goto :EOF if /i "%ti%" EQU "fax" set fax=%data%&goto :EOF if /i "%ti%" EQU "iptel" set iptel=%data%&goto :EOF goto :EOF :copys copy %report%+"%systemroot%\" %report% goto :EOF :out if "%ln%" EQU "" goto :EOF set name=%ln%, %fn% %mi% # call set text=%%name:~0,%nl%%% set office=%office% # if "%EO%" NEQ "Y" call set text=%text% %%office:~0,%ol%%% set tel=%tel% # call set text=%text% %%tel:~0,%tl%%% set mobile=%mobile% # if "%EM%" NEQ "Y" call set text=%text% %%mobile:~0,%tl%%% set pager=%pager% # if "%EP%" NEQ "Y" call set text=%text% %%pager:~0,%tl%%% set fax=%fax% # if "%EF%" NEQ "Y" call set text=%text% %%fax:~0,%tl%%% set email=%email% # if "%EE%" NEQ "Y" call set text=%text% %%email:~0,%el%%% set iptel=%iptel% # if "%EI%" NEQ "Y" call set text=%text% %%iptel:~0,%il%%% set hometel=%hometel% # if "%EH%" NEQ "Y" call set text=%text% %%hometel:~0,%tl%%% @echo %text%>>"%TEMP%\teldir.tm1"

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