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JSI Tip 6211. How do I open Regedit.exe at any specific key?

If you wish to open Regedit.exe at a specific key:

1. Create a RegKey.bat file that contains:

@echo off
if \{%1\}

\{\} goto prompt set key=%1 if \{^%key:~0,1%\}

\{^"\} goto open set key="%key%" :open if /i \{^%key:~0,5%\}

\{^"HKLM\} set key=%key:"HKLM="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE%&goto get if /i \{^%key:~0,5%\}

\{^"HKCU\} set key=%key:"HKCU="HKEY_CURRENT_USER%&goto get if /i \{^%key:~0,5%\}

\{^"HKCR\} set key=%key:"HKCR="HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT%&goto get if /i \{^%key:~0,4%\}

\{^"HKU\} set key=%key:"HKU="HKEY_USERS%&goto get if /i \{^%key:~0,5%\}

\{^"HKCC\} set key=%key:"HKCC="HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG% :get if /i \{^%key:~0,30%\}

\{^"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CCS\} set key=%key:"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CCS="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet% set regedt=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Regedit reg.exe ADD %regedt% /v LastKey /d %key% /f>nul 2>&1 if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 @echo %regedt% NOT found. endlocal start regedit.exe goto :EOF :prompt set /p key=Enter the key to open. if \{^%key:~0,1%\}==\{^"\} goto open set key="%key%" goto open
2. There are 3 ways to use RegKey.bat:

      A.1. Create a shortcut to the RegKey.bat file.
      A.2. Set the icon of this shortcut to Regedit.exe.
      A.3. Set it to run in a normal window.
      A.4. Double-click the icon and enter the key or "".

      B.1. Start / Run / RegKey <The Key> / OK or
      B.2. Start / Run / RegKey "" / OK.

      C.1. Open a CMD prompt.
      C.2. Type RegKey <The Key> and press Enter or
      C.3. Type RegKey "" and press Enter.

NOTE: Reg.exe is from the Windows 2000 Support Tools or the Reg.exe that is built into Windows XP and later.

NOTE If you implemented tip 2358, How do I prevent Regedit from using the last state, you must undo the permissions change.

NOTE: You could also implement tip 6200, How do I prevent Regedit from remembering the last key, without altering registry permissions, and use it instead of RegKey "".

NOTE: I have implemented the following abbreviations that you can use:

   Abbreviation    Key            

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