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JSI Tip 5282. How can I configure DFS referrals to use fully qualified domain names?

A Windows 2000 server using DFS responds to a DFS 'get referral' using NetBIOS format, \\<ServerName>\<ShareName>.

Some client's may be unable to resolve the server name returned.

In a DNS-only environment, you can configure DFS to respond with a fully qualified domain name:

1. Use the Registry Editor to navigate to:


2. If the DfsDnsConfig Value Name does NOT exist, add it as a REG_DWORD data type.

3. Set the data value of DfsDnsConfig to 1 to cause all the roots to use a fully qualified domain name. A data value of 0 specifies the default behavior, NetBIOS.

4. Open a CMD prompt and type:

dfsutil /clean:<ComputerName>.

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