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JSI Tip 4268. How do I publish non-MSI programs?

Non-MSI (Microsoft Installer) programs use their own Setup programs. These programs:

. Can be published to users only.

. Can NOT use elevated installation privileges.

. Can NOT be installed on the first use of the application.

. Can NOT install a feature on the first use.

. Can NOT roll back an unsuccessful operation.

. Can NOT use other MSI features.

To publish a non-MSI program:

1. Create a .zap file, using the following sample:

; Only FriendlyName and SetupCommand are required,
; everything else is optional.

; FriendlyName is the name of the program that 
; will appear in the software installation snap-in 
; and the Add/Remove Programs tool.
FriendlyName = "Microsoft Excel 97"

; SetupCommand is the command line used to 
; Run the program's Setup. If it is a relative 
; path, it is assumed to be relative to the 
; location of the .zap file.
; Long file name paths need to be quoted. For example:
; SetupCommand = "long folder\setup.exe" /unattend
; or
; SetupCommand = "\\server\share\long _
; folder\setup.exe" /unattend

SetupCommand = "setup.exe"

; Version of the program that will appear 
; in the software installation snap-in and the 
; Add/Remove Programs tool. 
DisplayVersion = 8.0

; Version of the program that will appear 
; in the software installation snap-in and the 
; Add/Remove Programs tool. 
Publisher = Microsoft
2. To publish the program, use the Default Domain (or Local) Group Policy and navigate to User Configuration / Software Settings / Software Installation.

3. Right-click Software Installation and press New.

4. Press Package.

5. Toggle Files of type to ZAW Down-level applications package (*.zap).  

6. Navigate to and select the .zap file and press Open.

7. Press Publish.

8. Press OK.

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