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JSI Tip 3686. Batch script returns physical and available memory, number of processors, and OS version information

Using GetSysInfo.exe, I have scripted GetMPO.BAT, which returns the following environment variables:

 D e s c r i p t i o n 
 jsipm   A character-based variable containing the number of bytes of physical memory. 
 jsipmk   An arithmetic variable that contains the number of kilobytes of physical memory. 
 jsiam   A character-based variable containing the number of bytes of available memory. 
 jsiamk   An arithmetic variable that contains the number of kilobytes of available memory. 
 jsinp   An arithmetic variable that contains the number of processors. 
 jsios   A quoted text string that contains the OS version. 

GETMPO.BAT contains:

@echo off
set /a cnt=0
for /f "Tokens=1,2 Delims=:" %%i in ('getsysinfo.exe') do call :parse "%%i" "%%j"
set param=
set cnt=
set len=
set char=
goto :EOF
set /a cnt=%cnt% + 1
if %cnt% GTR 7 goto :EOF
set param=%2
set param=%param:" ="%
goto parse%cnt%
goto :EOF
set jsinp=%param:"=%
set /a jsinp=%jsinp%
goto :EOF
goto :EOF
set jsios=%param%
goto :EOF
set param=%param:"=%#
set /a len=0
set /a len=%len% + 1
for /f %%n in ('@echo %%param:~%len%^,1%%') do set char=%%n
If "%char%" NEQ "#" goto parse6l
set jsipm=%param:#=%
set /a len=%len% - 3
for /f %%n in ('@echo %%jsipm:~0^,%len%%%') do set jsipmk=%%n
set /a jsipmk=%jsipmk%
goto :EOF
set param=%param:"=%#
set /a len=0
set /a len=%len% + 1
for /f %%n in ('@echo %%param:~%len%^,1%%') do set char=%%n
If "%char%" NEQ "#" goto parse7l
set jsiam=%param:#=%
set /a len=%len% - 3
for /f %%n in ('@echo %%jsiam:~0^,%len%%%') do set jsiamk=%%n
set /a jsiamk=%jsiamk%

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