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JSI Tip 3637. How do I configure DNS Zone Transfer settings via the registry?

Information on the Zone Transfer tab of DNS Manager is located in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNS\Zones\<zone-name>.

The Value Names are:

Value Type Default D e s c r i p t i o n
NotifyLevel REG_DWORD 1 - Standard primary
2 - Active Directory–integrated
0 - DNS does NOT notify secondary servers when zone information changes.
1 - Notify only the name servers that are authoritative for the zone.
2 - Notify only the servers you specify in NotifyServers.
NotifyServers REG_SZ IP address\[, IP address\] ... is a list of secondary servers that this master DNS server notifies when zone information changes, if NotifyLevel is 2.
SecureSecondaries REG_DWORD 0 - Standard primary
3 - Active Directory–integrated
0 - Send zone transfers to all secondary servers that request them.
1 - Send zone transfers only to name servers that are authoritative for the zone.
2 - Send zone transfers only to servers you specify in SecondaryServers.
3 - Do not send zone transfers.
SecondaryServers REG_SZ IP address\[, IP address\] ... is a list of secondary servers to which this DNS server sends zone transfers, if SecureSecondaries is 2.

NOTE: These entries are NOT replicated to other DNS servers authoritative for this zone.

NOTE: You must restart the DNS service, as DNS only reads its registry entries when it starts.

NOTE: See tip 6731 for Windows Server 2003.

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