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JSI Tip 2314. NetMeeting on Windows 2000 Does Not Connect to an ILS Server?

When you use NetMeeting 3.01, which comes with Windows 2000, you may be unable to connect to the Internet Locator Server (ILS).

You may receive:

There was a problem connecting to the directory server. You may not be connected to the network, or the server may be busy. To change your server, in NetMeeting, click Options in the Tools menu, and select the General tab.

In Windows 2000, the default for NetMeeting is port 1002. It was port 389 in previous versions.

When the connection attemp fails on port 1002, the client should try port 389, but this doesn't happen consistently.

To workaround the problem, change the name of the ILS server to include the port number. If the name was ILS.Server, change it to ILS.Server:389.

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