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General purpose date math routine.

In tip 531, we created JSIToday to parse today's date and JSIExpDT to parse a user's password expiration date.

Here is JSIDateM, a general purpose date math routine with the following usage syntax and fiunctionality:

Call JSIDateM YY1 MM1 DD1 - YY2 MM2 DD2 - Sets arithmetic environment variable NDD to the signed difference.

Call JSIDateM YY1 MM1 DD1 +/- Days -Sets arithmetic environment variables NYY, NMM, and NDD,
and sets environment variables AMM, ADD and AYMD to the result of the addition or substraction.

Call JSIDateM YY1 MM1 DD1 - Sets arithmetic environment variables NYY, NMM, and NDD,
and sets environment variables AMM, ADD and AYMD

If JSIDateM detects an error, arithmetic environment variable NDD is set to 999999.

In an arithmetic environment variable, leading zeros are stripped. January would appear in NMM as 1 but would be 01 in AMM. NYY is in YYYY format,
even if YY1 and/or YY2 are in YY format. AYMD is in YYYYMMDD format.

NOTE: JSIDateM.bat has been modified to call Date2JD.bat and JD2Date.bat.

Create JSIDateM.bat in your path:

@echo off
If /i "%4"

"+" goto OK1 If /i "%4"

"-" goto OK1 if "%4"

"" goto OK1 :syntax @echo JSIDateM YY MM DD +/- Days/YY MM DD set /a NDD=999999 goto end :OK1 set /a YY1=%1 set /a MM1=100%2%%100 set /a DD1=100%3%%100 If not "%6"

"" goto OKD if "%4"

"" goto OK5 set DAYA=%5 set /a DAYN=10000%DAYA%%%10000 if "%DAYA%"

"%DAYN%" goto DAYS goto syntax :OK5 set /a NDD=%DD1% set /a NMM=%MM1% set /a NYY=%YY1% set AMM=%NMM% set ADD=%NDD% if %NMM% LSS 10 set AMM=0%NMM% if %NDD% LSS 10 set ADD=0%NDD% set AYMD=%YY1%%AMM%%ADD% goto end :OKD If /i "%4"

"+" goto syntax set /a YY2=%5 set /a MM2=100%6%%100 set /a DD2=100%7%%100 call date2JD %YY1% %MM1% %DD1% JD1 call date2JD %YY2% %MM2% %DD2% JD2 set /a NDD=%JD1% - %JD2% :: The following is to prevent errors due to undefined variables set ADD=%DD1% if %DD1% LSS 10 set ADD=0%ADD% set AMM=%MM1% set /a NMM=%MM1% if %NMM% LSS 10 set AMM=0%NMM% set /a NYY=%YY1% set AYMD=%YY1%%AMM%%ADD% goto end :DAYS call date2JD %YY1% %MM1% %DD1% JD1 If /i "%4"

"+" goto DAYSP set /a JD1=%JD1% - %DAYN% :DAYSE call JD2Date %JD1% YY1 AMM ADD set /a NDD=100%ADD%%%100 set /a NMM=100%AMM%%%100 set /a NYY=%YY1% if %NMM% LSS 10 set AMM=0%NMM% if %NDD% LSS 10 set ADD=0%NDD% set AYMD=%YY1%%AMM%%ADD% goto end :DAYSP set /a JD1=%JD1% + %DAYN% goto DAYSE :end Endlocal&set /a NYY=%NYY%&set /a NMM=%NMM%&set /a NDD=%NDD%&set AYMD=%AYMD%&set AMM=%AMM%&set ADD=%ADD%
See tip 559 for an sample use.

To calculate the number of days till Xmas, XMAS.bat contains:

@echo off 
call univdate
call jsidatem %yy% 12 25 - %yy% %mm% %dd%
@echo %NDD%

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