How can I check if I have Back Orifice 2000 installed?How can I check if I have Back Orifice 2000 installed?
June 17, 2000
A. Back Orifice 2000 is not a virus as such but a programthat is usually maliciously installed on a machine and it allows it to beremotely controlled.
To check if its installed on your system for Windows 9x:
Start the registry editor (regedit.exe)
Move to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunService
Check for Umgr32.exe entry, if its there it will equate to something like 'C:\Windows\System\Umgr32.exe e' however the image name can be changed
To remove consult with you anti-virus maker but you could delete theRunService entry to stop at once.
For Windows NT/2000 start the Service Control panel applet (for 2000 startthe Computer Management MMC - Services and Applications - Services) and checkfor 'Remote Administrator Service. Again if its there consult your anti-virusvendor but stop the service and set to disabled.
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