Infragistics Announces Plans for Silverlight and ASP.NET 3.5Infragistics Announces Plans for Silverlight and ASP.NET 3.5
October 30, 2009
Infragistics Announces Plans for Silverlight and ASP.NET 3.5
Infragistics announced its plans for NetAdvantage forSilverlight, Microsoft s cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for rich media,based on a subset of Windows Presentation Foundation; they also announced ProjectAikido, new ASP.NET server controls built for next-generation Web 2.0frameworks and developed upon the Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0, andthe soon-to-be-available ASP.NET 3.5.
As the Silverlightplatform develops, Infragistics is working with Microsoft to release a fullline of Silverlight user interface development tools. Based on Silverlight 1.1,the NetAdvantage for Silverlight prototype demonstrates the rich interactiveapplications of which Silverlight is capable. For more information, visit
In support ofrapid AJAX adoption, Infragistics built Aikido from the ground up to createlighter, faster ASP.NET controls that natively and seamlessly leverage modern Webdevelopment technologies, including AJAX, XHTML, and CSS. Aikido s deepintegration with the Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 framework, and, moving forward,the Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5 framework, transparently integrates platform featureslike AJAX and a rich object-oriented JavaScript programming model to givedevelopers the power needed to easily create the next generation of innovativeuser experiences for their Web applications. For more information, visit
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