Altova Releases Semantic Web Development ToolAltova Releases Semantic Web Development Tool
October 30, 2009
Altova Releases Semantic Web Development Tool
Altova announced the addition of Altova SemanticWorks 2006to its line of XML applications. SemanticWorks 2006 is a visual Semantic Webdevelopment tool with support for Resource Description Framework (RDF) and WebOntology Language (OWL) creation and editing. Altova created SemanticWorks tohelp customers learn and work with emerging Semantic Web technologies in anintuitive way.
According to theWorld Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the Semantic Web is the next evolution in Webtechnologies. In the Semantic Web, data itself becomes part of the Web and isable to be processed independently of application, platform, or domain. Wherethe current Web is a collection of documents, the Semantic Web is more like ahuge database, in which data on Web pages (as well as in databases and otherinformation management systems) can be searched, processed, and acted on bymachines in meaningful ways. The Semantic Web relies on structured sets ofmetadata and inference rules that allow it to understand the relationshipbetween different data resources. The technologies that form the basis of theSemantic Web by adding these metadata and inference rules are RDF and OWL.
AltovaSemanticWorks allows developers to graphically create and edit RDF instancedocuments, RDF Schema (RDFS) vocabularies, and OWL ontologies with full syntaxchecking. Context-sensitive entry helpers present developers with a list ofpermitted choices based on the RDF or OWL dialect they are using. In particular,SemanticWorks provides functionality for:
Visual creation and editing of RDF, RDFS, OWLLite, OWL DL, and OWL Full documents using an intuitive, graphical interfaceand drag-and-drop functionality.
Syntax and semantics checking according toselected conformance level (RDF, RDFS, OWL Lite, OWL DL, and OWL Full).
Auto-generation and editing of RDF/XML orN-triples formats based on visual RDF/OWL design.
Printing the graphical RDF and OWLrepresentations to create documentation for ontologies.
In SemanticWorks, developers can switch from the graphicalRDF/OWL view to the text view to see how their documents are being built inRDF/XML or N-triples format, and they can export files from RDF/XML toN-triples or vice versa at any time. And, because the RDF/XML or N-triples codeis auto-generated based on their design, developers can learn and experimentwith the concepts of the Semantic Web without having to write complicated code.Visit additional information.
AltovaSemanticWorks 2006 is immediately available for download and purchase via theAltova Online Shop at 30-day free trial may be downloaded from
SemanticWorks 2006is also included with the Enterpriseand Professional Editions of Altova XML Suite 2006 (which also includes XMLSpy,MapForce, StyleVision, and SchemaAgent).
Existing AltovaXML Suite customers with a valid Support and Maintenance Package (SMP) areeligible to get SemanticWorks 2006 at no additional cost. These customers canrequest their new key code for SemanticWorks 2006 at
The Altova Supportand Maintenance Package (SMP) can be purchased for 25% of the product price fora one-year period or 20% of the product price per year for a two-year period.Altova SMP provides free major software updates, maintenance releases, andpriority technical support for the duration of the support period. SMP renewalsare available beginning 90 days prior to expiration.
Price: Single-userlicense starts at US$249.
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