Q: I'm trying to install a System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) management point. The installation log says the WebDAV settings are wrong, even though they show as correct in IIS Manager. Why?Q: I'm trying to install a System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) management point. The installation log says the WebDAV settings are wrong, even though they show as correct in IIS Manager. Why?
August 1, 2011
A: SCCM 2007 management points have several prerequisites, including WebDAV configuration, as documented by Microsoft. If you've made the configurations and try to install the management point, you might see the error below in the file C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Configuration ManagerLogsMPSetup.log:
<07-19-2011 12:27:01> WebDAV settings is not setup appropriately
<07-19-2011 12:27:01> [Allow property queries with infinite depth] should be true (false)
<07-19-2011 12:27:01> [Allow Custom Properties] should be false (true)
<07-19-2011 12:27:01> [Allow anonymous property queries] should be true (false)
<07-19-2011 12:27:01> Allow [All users read access to All content] authoring rule should exist (exist)
I've seen a problem where the configuration shown in IIS Manager isn't reflected in the WebDAV configuration file. It can be corrected by doing the following:
Start IIS Manager.
Select the server and select Stop from the actions.
Start Explorer and navigate to C:WindowsSystem32inetsrvconfigschema.
Right-click WebDAV_schema.xml and select Properties.
Select the Security tab and click the Advanced button.
Select the Owner tab and click Edit. Change the owner to administrators so the permissions can be changed.
Select the Permissions tab and grant your user or administrators Full Control via the Change Permissions button. Click OK.
Open the WebDAV_schema.xml file in Notepad.
Find the area below and make sure the values are set as shown:
Click Save.
Start the IIS service in IIS Manager.
The management point should now install and see the correct WebDAV configuration. You can force a reinstall attempt by restarting the SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER, which is done via the ConfigMgr Service Manager. Access it using Tools in the Configuration Manager Console. Once in the ConfigMgr Service Manager, select SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER, select Query, then Stop and Start it.
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