JSI Tip 6148. Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0: What Is New in Service Pack 5 WebCast.JSI Tip 6148. Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0: What Is New in Service Pack 5 WebCast.
December 29, 2002
Support WebCast: Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0: What Is New in Service Pack 5 contains:
Thursday, January 30, 2003: 10:00 AM Pacific time (Greenwich mean time - 8 hours)
As a general rule, service packs are a compilation of QFEs (fixes) that have been released, and do not typically include new functionality. However, to improve the functionality of Systems Management Server (SMS) 2.0, and to provide improved security and interoperability with both Windows .NET Server 2003 and SMS 2003, Service Pack 5 for SMS 2.0 does include some functionality changes. You must be aware of these changes to effectively support your SMS sites. This Support WebCast session will describe the changes that are made to SMS 2.0 after you upgrade to SMS 2.0 SP5.
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