JSI Tip 3915. How do I remove the Eject PC entry on my Windows 2000 Start menu?JSI Tip 3915. How do I remove the Eject PC entry on my Windows 2000 Start menu?

Jerold Schulman

July 19, 2001

1 Min Read
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If you use Regedt32 to set the data value of the EjectableDocks value name at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlIDConfigDBCurrentDockInfo to 0, the next time you log on the Eject PC entry will be removed from the Start menu.

Unfortunately, when you restart your computer, the data value is reset to 1.

To circumvent this behavior, use the freeware REG to configure a entry in the Run subkey:

1. Use Regedt32 to navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun.

2. On the Edit menu, Add Value name Eject and set the this REG_SZ data value to

reg.exe -Quiet -Set REG_DWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlIDConfigDBCurrentDockInfoEjectableDocks=0

3. Exit Regedt32.

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