JSI Tip 0430 - Prevent users from using the Lock Workstation button on your Kiosk or in your lab.JSI Tip 0430 - Prevent users from using the Lock Workstation button on your Kiosk or in your lab.
February 23, 1998
In tip 429, Alexander Frink brought us a msgina.dll replacement to bypass CTRL+ALT+DEL and/or run a logoff script and/or run a shutdown script. In this tip, he provides us a with a method of modifying our gina.dll to disable/enable the Lock Workstation button. See the warnings in tip 429 before you download nolockws.zip.
To implement this change:
1. Close all programs.
2. Copy your gina.dll (%SystemRoot%System32msgina.dll or %SystemRoot%System32gina_x86.dll) to c:Tempmsgina.dll
3. Run NOLOCKWS (You can interrupt the program at any time with Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break):
4. At the Where is msgina.dll located? prompt, type c:Temp. See the readme.html (in the archive) if your using Novell's IntraNetware Client.
5. At the Type in exactly.... prompt, press enter if the default is correct. If you are not using the U.S. English or the deault is not correct, see the readme.html.
6. At the Do you want to (a)llow or (d)isallow workstation locking?, answer d, the default. Do NOT reboot when prompted.
7. Copy the c:Tempmsgina.dll to %systemroot%system32msgina_nolock.dll
8. Edit:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon
and Add Value name GinaDll as type REG_SZ and set the string to:
9. Reboot.
You can allow workstation locking by deleting the GinaDll value or setting it to msgina.dll.
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