JSI Tip 0391 - IIS Services registry entries.JSI Tip 0391 - IIS Services registry entries.
January 14, 1998
The IIS services are:
MSFTPSVC | FTP Service |
GOPHERSVC | Gopher service |
W3SVC | WWW service |
These registry entries are located at:
Value | Type | Default | D e s c r i p t i o n |
AdminName | REG_SZ | Administrator | The Gopher service uses this name when sending responses to Gopher Plus queries. |
AdminEmail | REG_SZ | Specifies the e-mail address for the administrator of the Gopher service. | |
AllowGuestAccess | REG_DWORD | 1 | 0=IIS rejects Guest logins. 1=IIS accepts Guest logons. This entry is only used by FTP and WWW. |
AnonymousUserName | REG_SZ | IUSR_ComputerName | The user name used by anonymous users connecting to this service. Because the password is stored in a protected area in the Registry, you cannot set it by editing the Registry. |
Authorization | REG_DWORD | 1 | Specifies the user authentication methods used by the IIS service. This value is a binary bit mask as follows:0=(None)FTP, WWW, Gopher.1=Anonymous logonsFTP, WWW, Gopher.2=Clear text logonsFTP and WWW only.3=Anonymous and clear text logonsFTP and WWW only.4=Windows NT Challenge/Response logonsWWW only.5=Anonymous and Windows NT Challenge/Response logonsWWW only.6=Clear text and Windows NT Challenge/Response logonsWWW only.7=Anonymous, Clear text and Windows NT Challenge/Response logonsWWW only. |
CheckForWAISDB | REG_DWORD | 0 | 0=The IIS service does not perform content-based searches using the WAIS toolkit. 1=The IIS service performs searches if the WAIS toolkit (Waislook.exe) is installed in the system. |
ConnectionTimeOut | REG_DWORD | 900 (seconds - decimal) | How long IIS maintains an idle connection. |
DefaultLogonDomain | REG_SZ | ? | The logon domain used to validate a clear-text logon when no domain is specified in the user name field. If IIS is running on a stand-alone computer, the default is the ComputerName. If the computer is in a domain, the default is the machine name of the PDC. |
EnableSvcLoc | REG_DWORD | 1 | 0=You can not use the Internet Service Manager to configure the IIS Service. 1=You can. |
InstallPath | REG_SZ | SystemrootSystem32Inetsrv | The path to the location where the IIS service is installed. |
LogFileDirectory | REG_EXPAND_SZ | SystemrootSystem32Logfiles | Each IIS service can be configured to record information in a transaction log file. |
LogFileFormat | REG_DWORD | 0 | 0=Standart. 3=National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Common Log File format. |
LogFilePeriod | REG_DWORD | 1 | 0=No time limit. Instead, logs are limited by the size specified in the LogFileTruncateSize. 1=New log each day. 2=New log each week. 3=New log each month. |
LogFileTruncateSize | REG_DWORD | 0x01388000 (20 MB) | 0=Limited by free space. |
LogonMethod | REG_DWORD | 0 | 0=Only users who log on locally can access IIS. 1=Users must have permission to logon as a batch job. 2=Users must have permission to access the computer over the network. If you are running SQL Server through an ODBC connector with SQL Integrated Security enabled, you must set this value to either 0 or 1. |
LogSqlDataSource | REG_SZ | ? | WWW=HTTPLOG. FTP=TSLOG. Gopher=TSLOG |
LogSqlPassword | REG_SZ | sqllog | The ODBC password for the user designated in LogSqlUserName. |
LogSqlTableName | REG_SZ | ? | WWW=InternetLog. FTP=ftplog. Gopher=gophlog. |
LogSqlUserName | REG_SZ | InternetAdmin | The user name used for accessing the data source for ODBC-based logging. |
LogType | REG_DWORD | 1 | 0=No logging. 1=Log to file. 2=Log to ODBC data source. |
MaxConnections | REG_DWORD | ? | WWW=0x186A0 (100,000). FTP=0x3E8 (1,000). Gopher=0x3E8 (1,000). |
Pathname | REG_EXPAND_SZ | SystemrootSystem32Inetsrv | This value is not used. |
ServerComment | REG_SZ | Blank | The text that appears in the Comment box on the Internet Service Manager Properties dialog box for each IIS service. |
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlServiceProviderServiceTypesTcpPort is a REG_DWORD which defaults as:
GOPHERSVC | 70 (0x46) |
MSFTPSVC | 21 (0x15) |
W3SVC | 80 (0x50) |
Microsoft Internet Information Server | 1368 (0x558) |
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