JSI Tip 0388 - How do I create a custom Separator Page for my printer?JSI Tip 0388 - How do I create a custom Separator Page for my printer?
January 11, 1998
Windows NT provides 3 .SEP files in the %SystemRoot%System32 directory. You can modify these or create a new one using the following command syntax:
Command | D e s c r i p t i o n |
@ | Escape character - Defined by typing any character as the 1st and only character on the 1st line of the file. @ is used in this example. |
@N | Prints the %UserName% that submitted the job. |
@I | Prints the job number. |
@D | Prints the date in the format defined in Control Panel. |
@T | Prints the time in the format defined in Control Panel. |
@Lxxxx | Prints all the characters (xxx) until the next @ is encountered. |
@Fpathname | Prints the contents of the file starting on the next line. |
@Hnn | Sends a printer specific hexadecimal control code. |
@Wnn | Sets the width of the separator page. The deault is 80 and the max is 256. |
@U | Turns off block character printing. |
@B@S | Prints text in single-width block characters until @U is encountered. |
@E | Ends the page by ejecting it or starts a new one. |
@n | Skips n lines (0-9). @0 starts a new line. |
@B@M | Prints text in double-width block characters until @U is encountered. |
Here is a simple searator page I wrote for my HP1600C:
@U@D@L @T@4
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