JSI Tip 0371 - Logging your RAS connection.JSI Tip 0371 - Logging your RAS connection.
December 28, 1997
Depending on whether your using UniModem (default for NT 4.0) or Modem.INF ( see tip 234 ), the method for enabling logging of your RAS connection is different. To insure that logging is enabled:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesRasManParameters and change Logging, a type REG_DWORD to 1.
This will generate a device log at %SystemRoot%System32rasDEVICE.LOG.
Using the UniModem driver, you can also enable %SystemRoot%Modemlog_.txt by using:
Control Panel / Modems to select your modem and click on Properties /Connection tab /Advanced and checking Record a log file.
Here is a sample of %SystemRoot%System32rasDEVICE.LOG:
Remote Access Service Device Log 12/26/1997 12:13:43
Port:COM2 Command to Device:ATE1&F&C1 &D2 &A1 &B1 V1 Q0 S0=0 S2=128 S7=55
Port:COM2 Echo from Device :ATE1&F&C1 &D2 &A1 &B1 V1 Q0 S0=0 S2=128 S7=55
Port:COM2 Response from Device:
Port:COM2 Command to Device:AT&R2&H1&K0&M4M1
Port:COM2 Echo from Device :AT&R2&H1&K0&M4M1
Port:COM2 Response from Device:
Port:COM2 Command to Device:ATDT4048178166X7
Port:COM2 Echo from Device :ATDT4048178166X7
Port:COM2 Response from Device:
Port:COM2 Connect BPS:115200
Port:COM2 Carrier BPS:33600
Port:COM2 Command to Device:
Port:COM2 Echo from Device :
Port:COM2 Response from Device: UQKT2 Max1.Atlanta.GA.MS.UU.NET
Port:COM2 Command to Device:MSN/my MSN id
Port:COM2 Echo from Device :MSN/my MSN id
Port:COM2 Response from Device:
Port:COM2 Command to Device:my password
Port:COM2 Echo from Device :
Port:COM2 Response from Device:ring PPP Mode.
IP address is
MTU is 1524.
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