JSI Tip 0364 - How do I get a program to start at high priority from a shortcut and/or association?JSI Tip 0364 - How do I get a program to start at high priority from a shortcut and/or association?
December 21, 1997
The Windows NT Start command can set the priority of a program it initiates. The syntax is:
start ["title"] [/dpath] [/i] [/min] [/max] [/separate] [/low] [/normal] [/high] [/realtime] [/wait] [/b] [filename] [parameters]
Parameter | D e s c r i p t i o n |
none | Without any parameters, START opens an additional CMD prompt. |
"title" | Title to display in the title bar. |
/dpath | The startup directory. |
/i | Passes the CMD.EXE startup environment to the new window. |
/min | Starts minimized. |
/max | Starts maximized. |
/separate | Starts 16-bit Windows programs in a separate memory space. |
/low | Starts the application in the idle priority class. |
/normal | Starts the application in the normal priority class. |
/high | Starts the application in the high priority class. |
/realtime | Starts the application in the realtime priority class. |
/wait | Starts the application and waits for it to terminate. |
/b | Does not create a new window. CTRL+C handling is ignored unless the application enables CTRL+C processing. Use CTRL+BREAK to interrupt the application. |
filename | Specifies the command or program to start. |
parameters | Any parameters to pass to the program or command. |
Using this functionality, we can modify a shortcut to start an application in high priority. To start Microsoft Word in high priority, modify the Target:
Set it's icon back to WinWord.
To modify .doc file associations to open at high priority:
assoc .doc
ftype <string returned from assoc>=CMD.EXE /C
"Start /High /B /DC:MSOFFICEWinword C:MSOFFICEWinwordWINWORD.EXE %1"
where the above command is on one line.
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