I receive an error NGINA.DLL cannot be found and am unable to logon to my machine.I receive an error NGINA.DLL cannot be found and am unable to logon to my machine.

John Savill

June 3, 2000

1 Min Read
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A. When you logon a GINA is used for the purpose of thelogon, be default msgina.dll however it can be changed. Recently I installedLotus Notes, rebooted and could not log on because of an error, ngina.dll couldnot be found.

After some research I found this was the Lotus GINA which somehow had beenset to be used but not installed!

To remedy I booted with the recovery console, went to system32 and copiedmsgina.dll to ngina.dll and rebooted.

Once I rebooted and could log in I changed the GINA it was trying to use asfollows:

  1. Start the registry editor (Regedit.exe)

  2. Move to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon

  3. Double click GinaDLL and set to msgina.dll

  4. Close the registry editor

Another approach would be to install a second copy of Windows NT/2000 on themachine and perform the following:

  1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe). 

  2. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE window. 

  3. Select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key entry. 

  4. From the Registry menu, click Load Hive. 

  5. Browse and select the failed Windows NT installation path, for example, Winnt. 

  6. Go to the System32Config directory, and select the Software file.
    NOTE: Software file with no extension is the correct one. 

  7. Click OK, and type a key name of test. 

  8. Double-click the new test key and follow this path:
    MicrosoftWindows NTCurrent VersionWinlogon

  9. Modify the entry Ginadll:REG_SZ:MSGINA.DLL

  10. From the registry menu, click Unload Hive.

  11. Restart into the original Windows NT installation.

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