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JSI Tip 4445. Freeware application makes scripting your client configuration easier.


Download the TECHOPS freeware to make scripting client configuration information retrieval easier.

When you type techops /docs, you receive the following help display:

TECHOPS Freeware Utility Version: 1.4.142

C:\>TECHOPS.EXE /S  Invokes special variable.
C:\>TECHOPS.EXE or Double Click Invokes GUI.

/S........Simple single line output of node properties.
/M........Multi-line summary of properties. (ALL)
/OS.......Native OS. (Ex: Windows NT)
/OSTYPE...OS Type. (Ex: Advanced Server, Server, Enterprise)
/SERVSTAT.Domain Status. (Ex: Domain Controller, Stand Alone)
/VER......OS Version. (Ex: 5.1, 5.0, 4.0)
/BUILD....Build Number. (Ex: 2605)
/INSDATE..Estimated OS Install Date and Time.
/TSINCE...Time Since OS Install.
/DSINCE...Days Since OS Install. (For Vaporware Trial\Beta)
/CORE.....Windows Core Codebase. (Ex: WINNT, WIN9X)
/SP.......Service Pack. (Ex: Service Pack 2)
/SPREV....Service Pack Revision. (Ex: 2)
/NODE.....Node Name. (Ex: STATION-1)
/DOMAIN...NetBIOS Domain Name. (Ex: MYDOM)
/DNS......DNS Suffix.
/FQDN.....Node Fully Qualified Domain Name.
/USER.....User Name.
/ADLOGIN..Active Directory login (Ex: [email protected])
/IE.......Internet Explorer version.
/BPATH....Default Browser Path.
/PEXEC....Path to default associated executable.
          Will Return: C:\WINNT\NOTEPAD.EXE
/TPATH....Temp Folder Path.
/SPATH....%SYSTEMROOT%\System32 Directory. (Ex: C:\Winnt\System32)
/SROOT....%SYSTEMROOT% Directory. (Ex: C:\Winnt)
/IP.......IP Address. (May not return correct with multi-adapters)
/B4.......IP Address BYTES. (For Subnetting)
/MAC......MAC Address. (May not return correct with multi-adapters)
/ICONN....Internet Connection Online. (True or False)
/ILAN.....Internet Connected via LAN. (True or False)
/IPROXY...Internet Connected via Proxy. (True or False)
/IMODEM...Internet Connected via Modem. (True or False)
/IRAS.....Internet RAS Installed. (True or False)
/MSG......To Display a W32 Message Box with any quote.
          Usage: C:\spec.exe /MSG Hello World! (No Quotes Needed)
/PROCN....Number of Processors.
/PROCS....Processor Speed.
/PROCM....Processor Model.
/PROCST...Processor Step.
/PROCF....Processor Family.
/DATE.....Current Date. (Ex: MM/DD/YYYY)
/DT.......Current Full\Long Date and Time.
/TIME.....Current Time. (Ex: HH:MM:SS AM/PM)
/MONTH....Current Month Only.
/FMONTH...Current Full Month Only.
/AMONTH...Current Abbreviated Month Only.
/DAY......Current Day Only.
/ADAY.....Current Abbreviated Day Only.
/FDAY.....Current Full Day Only.
/YEAR.....Current Year Only.
/FYEAR....Current Full Year Only.
/HOUR.....Current Hour Only.
/HOUR24...Current 24 Hour Only.
/MINUTE...Current Minute Only.
/SECOND...Current Second Only.
/AMPM.....Current 12 Hour Base.
/CREDIT...Contact Info.

Created By: Harry Bates

Check back often for further version development and function.
Future versions will allow multiple switches, & csv functionality.

Special thanks to Jerry Schulman of JSI, INC. for testing.
For other advanced scripting needs visit:
Here is an example of TECHOPS /M:
OSVersion: Windows 2000
OS Type: Professional
Major Minor Version: 5.0
Build Number: 2195
Estimated OS Install Date: 06/03/2001 14:58:06
Time Since Install: 165 Days, 1 Hour, 45 Minutes, 38 Seconds.
Days Since Install: 165
Core OS Type: WINNT
Service Pack: Service Pack 3, RC 3.51
Service Pack Revision Only: 1
Node Name: JSI005
NetBIOS Domain Name: JSIINC
UserName: JERRY
ADLogin: [email protected]
IEVersion: 5.50.4807.2300
IP: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
IPByte1: nnn
IPByte2: nnn
IPByte3: nnn
IPByte4: nnn
MAC: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
System32 Directory Path: C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32
System Root Path: C:\WINNT
Default Browser Path: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
Temp File Path: D:\TEMPInternet Online: True
Internet LAN Connected: True
Internet PROXY Connected: False
Internet MODEM Connected: False
Internet RAS Installed: True
Number of Processors: 1
Processor Speed: 451
Processor Model: 8
Processor Step: 1
Processor Family: 686
Date: 11/15/2001
Full\Long Date: Thursday, November 15, 2001 16:43:44
Time: 16:43:44
24 Hour Time: 16:43:44
Month: 11
Full Month Name: November
Abreviated Month Name: Nov
Day: 15
Full Day Name: Thursday
Abreviated Day Name: Thu
Year: 01
Full 4 Digit Year: 2001
Hour: 16
Hour 24: 16
Minute: 43
Second: 44

TECHOPS Version: 1.5.178
Created By: Harry Bates
There are many ways to use TECHOPS in a script:
To find the client IP address    for /f "Tokens=*" %%i in ('techops /ip') do set IP=%%i 
To find the client MAC address   for /f "Tokens=*" %%i in ('techops /mac') do set MAC=%%i

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