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JSI Tip 9527. How can I add a certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities in LocalMachine from the command-line?

To add a certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities in LocalMachine from the command-line, you must:

1. Download the codesigningx86.exe package from the Microsoft Download Center.

2. Right-click codesigningx86.exe and extract the files.

3. Copy the CertMgr.exe program to a location in your path.

Once CertMgr.exe is available:

1. Open CMD.EXE window.

2. Type the following command and press Enter:

certmgr.exe -add -c "<cert-file>" -s -r localMachine root

Where <cert-file> is the fully qualified path to the certificate file.

When you type CertMgr.exe /?, you see:

Usage: CertMgr \[options\]\[-s \[-r \]\[SourceStoreName\]
                        \[-s \[-r \]\[DestinationStoreName\]
 -add               Add certificates/CRLs/CTLs to a storeFile or a system store
 -del               Delete certificates/CRLs/CTLs from a storeFile or
                    a system store
 -put               Put an encoded certificate/CRL/CTL from a storeFile or
                    a system store to a file.  The file will be saved in X.509
                    format. -7 can be used to save the file in PKCS#7 format
 -s                 Indicate the store is a system store
 -r       The system store location
                         Default to 'currentUser'
 -c                 Certificates in the store
 -crl               Certificates revocation lists(CRLs) in the store
 -ctl               Certificates trust lists(CTLs) in the store
 -v                 Verbose display of the certificates/CRLs/CTLs
 -all               All certificates/CRLs/CTLs in the store
 -n           Common name of the certificate
 -sha1  The sha1 hash of the certificate/CRLs/CTLs
 -7                 Save the destination store in PKCS# 7 format
 -e         Certificate/CRL/CTL encoding type.
                    Default to X509_ASN_ENCODING
 -f           CertStore open flags.  Meaningful only if -y is set
 -y       CertStore provider name

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