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JSI Tip 8628. How can I copy files that where created on or after a given date to a different drive, preserving the original folder structure?

Using only standard commands, I have scripted CopyCreated.bat to perform the subject copy.

The syntax for using CopyCreated.bat is:

CopyCreated Folder YYYYMMDD Drive:


Folder    is the path to the folder that contains the files that you wish to copy, like C:\MyFolder.
YYYYMMDD  is the date created that you wish to test, like 20040102.
Drive:    is the destination drive, or folder path, where the files created on or after YYYYMMDD will be copied to.
CopyCreated.bat contains:
@echo off
If \{%3\}==\{\} @echo Syntax: CopyCreated Folder YYYYMMDD Drive:&goto :EOF
if not exist %1 Syntax: CopyCreated Folder YYYYMMDD Drive: - %1 not found.&goto :EOF
if not exist %3 Syntax: CopyCreated Folder YYYYMMDD Drive: - %3 not found.&goto :EOF
set folder=%1
set ymd=%2
set drv=%3
for /f "Tokens=*" %%a in ('dir %folder% /b /a-d /s') do (
 for /f "Tokens=1-3* Delims=/ " %%b in ('dir "%%a" /TC ^|find /I "%%~nxa"') do (
  set /a YYYY=10000%%d%%10000
  if !YYYY! LSS 2000 set /A YYYY=!YYYY! + 2000
  set /a MM=100%%b%%100
  if !MM! LSS 10 set MM=0!MM!
  set /a DD=100%%c%%100
  if !DD! LSS 10 set DD=0!DD!
  if "!YYYYMMDD!" GEQ "%ymd%" @echo "%%a"
  if "!YYYYMMDD!" GEQ "%ymd%" if not exist "%drv%%%~Pa" MD "%drv%%%~Pa" 
  if "!YYYYMMDD!" GEQ "%ymd%" copy "%%a" "%drv%%%~Pa*.*"

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