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JSI Tip 7355. IECache command-line freeware displays or deletes Temporary Internet Files.


The ReadMe.txt contains:

IE Cache \[Version 1.00\]

 Displays or deletes the Internet Explorer cache (Temporary Internet Files).

 Syntax: IECache.exe \[/FILTER:pattern\] \[/VERBOSE\] \[/DELETE\]

 /FILTER: Allows you to enumerate specific entries in the cache (See examples).

 /VERBOSE Allows you to display details about each item in the cache.

 /DELETE  Allows you to delete items in the cache. If /FILTER is not specified,
          this will include all cookies and history. (Overrides /VERBOSE)

 NOTE: Before deleting anything, you should get familiar with the format of the
 cache by running IECache.exe>filename.log and then viewing it in Notepad.

 Filter examples:
   /FILTER:http://	(Returns only web items, http://*)
   /FILTER:https://	(Returns only SSL web items, https://*)
   /FILTER:http		(Returns http:// and https://, http*)
   /FILTER:  (Web items from a specific domain)
   /FILTER:visited:	(Returns all history, Visited:*)
   /FILTER:cookie:	(Returns all cookies, Cookie:*)
   /  (Cookies for a specific domain)

 /? or -? displays this syntax and always returns 1.
 A successful completion returns 0.

Copyright 2003 Marty List,


System Requirements:

	Windows XP; Windows 2000; Windows NT
	Windows ME; Windows 98; Windows 95
	Internet Explorer 3 or later

Revision History:

	1.00 	10/20/2003
	Initial release.

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